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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. Just like the convoy Inquiry CPC denied the results as bias, PP's rants are setting up so this investigation to have only one answer or it was bias. comical for a guy that actually has agreements not to cheat anymore
  2. the entire rant he claims Trudeau is guilty because he hasn't denied PP's rants the guy is good at hate I agree there. Is he interested in finding the route cause? NO, he has one goal and that is make Trudeau look like he is working with China. Him stating this several times as fact is very dangerous and just lies Like I said it appeals to his base, hate and gloom never a up moment
  3. if PP could only get his lies straight he wouldn't stumble the entire time he speaks. Very dangerous for a want to be leader spewing his opinion as facts but that appeals to his base... So far 1 MPP PC from Ontario has been labeled as cheating - FACT nothing but speculation after that....... PP is riding the rails until the next train
  4. in PP land this person will be allowed to stay all day and night for free giving prayer REBEL is awesome at hate
  5. PP is going to SUE all Big Pharma for Opioids, then doctors that prescribed it. Does PP think these companies are selling on the street? in PP land everything is easy to fix
  6. Will PP be defending the half naked women protesting at the Juno's live broadcast, seemed very peaceful to me ISn't it her right to protest Doug Ford in Alberta on live Tv? comical
  7. CPC totally confused, we bash China and the Chinese daily without any proof we can understand why they are not voting for us. So true the PARTY OF HATE AND LIES doesn't get it
  8. There is no end to the misery a CPC supports goes through no money no food no fun lots of hate lots of fear Where are these souls?
  9. Decades and Decades of CONSERVATIVE RULE has left them empty and yet they can't see it. Calgary now most unemployed in the country - They blame Trudeau but facts are there unemployed is lower than its been in a decade https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-s-unemployment-rate-is-now-the-highest-in-canada-1.6307891 a simple scroll through 50 years of Alberta you will see Federal Conservative govenrment = high unemployment for Alberta. Vote Liberal Federal = lowest unemployment in Alberta The mind of a ONEWAY voter should be studied https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/160205/cg-a003-eng.htm While Ontario set to have record low unemployment under same Federal government seems odd... The HATE from ALBERTA needs to stop The best is Smith bragging the other day that they might build a new hospital in Edmonton fist in 40 years WTF
  10. 10 years is about the limit for any PM I miss angry Tom The thing about the Liberal Party is they have real leaders to take over, something CPC doesn't have as they barely have a leader at all
  11. PP thinks Natives are somehow not Canadian
  12. We don't ask staffers to report on government and will not change that PP speaks why staffers will never testify or answer questions - my how the lies change
  13. I like when posters say CTV/CBC/MSM suck and are bias never ask tough questions but this is good
  14. facts are people are working, maybe hire wages is an answer PP won't give Most working EVER doesn't seem broken to me
  15. Monday's lie Trudeau cause world inflation Trudeau raise interest rates if you make 60k a year and make an extra dollar Trudeau takes 80 cents Bring home powerful paycheques from where
  16. The guy says that people were bussed in to a TDSB flight what is that? You can't vote in riding you don't live in so bussing people from other cities does nothing. If we are talking about Nominations for a party I don't see this as too big an issue. Now the PC guy that worked with China and had to quit is a concern
  17. Gas went up 5 cents the other day then down 9 cents then up 7 ya not really worried about 3 cents a litre added in April we know the carbon tax goes up yearly it was a part of the platform.
  18. seen THE JAM 3 times Eddie is REAL the energy is high Seen this quote in the comments 1991: Wow, nice music! 2007: Guitar Hero yeah! 2023: Skate Jesus
  19. Eddie delivered lyrics like no other
  20. a rare clip (posted 13 years ago lol) of Roger singing solo with guitar WHO ARE YOU fuck they are good
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