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Everything posted by revkevsdi

  1. He doesn’t have weapons to spare. The West are letting him play himself out.
  2. Joe shouldn’t be President. He is too old. But it’s funny how the right have to crop speeches to make joe look worse. They left just let Trump ramble to prove their point.
  3. Let’s hear your whole theory. Tl You’re a numbers guy, it has to make sense right? You said the doctors won’t stand up to the boards. What boards? How many people on those boards? Are they corrupt. Let’s start easy, number of boards across the country times members times the money it would cost to buy them out.
  4. Let’s hear your whole theory. Tl You’re a numbers guy, it has to make sense right? You said the doctors won’t stand up to the boards. What boards? How many people on those boards? Are they corrupt. Let’s start easy, number of boards across the country times members times the money it would cost to buy them out.
  5. It would make sense to criticize Joe if the Republican front runner wasn’t worse. How many incoherent rants against windmills do you need?
  6. So what are your logical conclusions from this? Are 96% of doctors stupid? Are they part of a vast conspiracy? Are they just spineless people who are so scared to speak out they ignored their life mission? what about pharmacists and nurses, are they all stupid or cowards too? Or are they part of the conspiracy. Please lay out how this all works.
  7. Oooh a meme. I definitely want medical advice from a meme. I tell you that 96% of the AMA got vaccinated and you show me one a link from one doctor and a meme. Man you sure know how to research.
  8. It’s part of the reason their air quality sucks in the first place. But it’s good that even locally higher adoption of Ev’s can make a difference
  9. She may indeed be a total wacko. They exist everywhere. I’m guessing in sparky university they taught you all about how vaccines reduce viral load but you have participated in peer review studies to show that it is bullshit and vaccines don’t do anything. In the end the more Trumpy people who don’t get vaccinated the better future we will have. But know this, although many on the left publicly got their shot, Donald Trump, Rob Desantis and all your fox favourites quietly got the vaccine.
  10. So not even a real electrician. You and the rest of the Trumpsters have all agreed that university education is for stupid people. That must be tough.
  11. Getting one this week. I think the big shift in crazy happened because people won’t admit how stupid they are. You remember the smart kids in class, the ones that won all the awards while you and your stoner buddies sat looking stupid. you’ve had to convince yourself that you know more from a few hours of YouTube than they know after 7 years in university and 20 years of related experience on the job. I wouldn’t trust the smartest kids I went to school with to wire my house or work on my car. But if they are environment scientists, doctors or pharmacists I’ll trust them in their related field over an easily lead dumbfuck like you.
  12. I’d rather have solar in my backyard than a pipeline anywhere near me or up river. It’s even worse for you because congress got paid off to pass a law limiting oil industry exposure for their spillS and explosions. Meanwhile those hippies in California noticed a significant drop in hospital visits due to respiratory illnesses after widespread adoption of Ev’s. You may have missed that story while you were reading about all the ev fires. https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/3841203-california-neighborhoods-with-more-evs-see-better-air-quality-public-health/
  13. Nice chart. Got a link to it? Canada alone has spent 23 billion on pipeline support since 2018. I doubt that covers spill clean up.
  14. Sure I can. I think that an electrician doesn’t have enough education or experience to understand vaccine efficacy. I think that if 96% of the AMA take a vaccine then it’s a good idea. I think if the people spreading doubt about vaccines for votes or ratings take the vaccines, then only a brain dead moron would continue to support or listen to them.
  15. We Never go full Trump, but are considering Trump light. He’ll march with white supremacists as a nod to your buddies.
  16. There use to be a show called. So you think you are smarter than a 5th grader. You’ve jumped over that right to So you think you are smarter than a doctor.
  17. Did Jordan protect him too? it’s weird that not even Fox News will air that story.
  18. The right hate Fox News ever since they had to admit Trump lied about rigged voting machines and fired Trump’s co conspirator
  19. But if you want to someone to look the other way while you sexually assault students, he’s your go to.
  20. Hitler did a lot of good things isn’t praising a Nazi. Either is “There are good people on both side”. Much like he didn’t praise Hamas this week. Another example of poor picked on Trump getting a pass on far worse things than a Democrat would get away with.
  21. Wow! That must be worth way more than the money Jared negotiated with the Saudis while he was in the white house. Jared must be a better businessman than this low rent SOB.
  22. Biden was accused, never charged. Was that the woman that accused him but they couldn’t place him in the building at the time of the assault? vs Trump who was found guilty, admitted to similar acts on tape, lied about knowing her said she wasn’t his typed and when shown a photo of him with her thought it was a photo of his ex wife. These are facts and you dumb fucks believe a guy who cheated on all his wives would tell you the truth. Dumb as shit.
  23. Obviously using tax dollars to put pipeline’s through native lands is the preferred choice when solar and wind keep getting cheaper and ev’s keep improving
  24. It’s definitely something the iceholes have trouble getting their brains around. Home charging saves far more time and money's than any of the inconveniences associated with road trips. Because of the overnight surpluses of electricity in Ontario some places only charge 2.4 cents/kw. Less than 1 cent per mile.
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