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Everything posted by WildMann

  1. What link? You said you watched it? Liar
  2. And furthermore. If the cops won't stand with the people. The people will stand without the cops.
  3. Ummm, yeah I did watch it. Did you? Yes it was a confidence vote. Time for your shit spewing to move on. Enough Nazi, tyrannical shit from you. The people want their country back. Get out Nazi scum. It's really funny when you say you watched it yet you have no clue whatsoever and spew these lies.
  4. See, this is all lies. The NDP voted with the liberals because they didn't want another election. Fuck you are stupid. OR, maybe you are just a liberal troll put here to spout lie after lie. I mean you are sticking to their playbook. Repeat the lie enough and weak minded fools (1Trailmaker) will believe the lies as the truth. I bet that's it, and why you have to post over and over again. Saying the same lies over and over again. NDP=Liberals x left extremists. Even the bloc and the conservatives stood together. Fuck the libtards, fuck the NDP, they will both go down hard. Can't wait. Marxist fools will get what's coming to them Fail. There is some more exposure for ya.
  5. Don't worry, Ottawa was the spark that lit the fire. Your tyrannical movement that you hold onto so tight is going to be removed from Canada one way or the other. SO, just go back to your sheep news or whatever it is that you people watch and leave the freedom to us. https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/quebec-protest-everyone-is-full-of-joy-here-but-truck-horns-set-angry-tone
  6. You are an aging minority. Too funny that you think you know what you are talking about. Keep drinking the kool aid. See you on the other side of the scope.
  7. In 2015, the Liberal Party was returned to power. As part of its election platform, it promised to restore the $115 million of funding to the CBC that was cut by the Harper Government, over three years, and add $35 million, for a total extra funding of $150 million. CBC is a liberal propaganda machine. Too bad that CBC went this way, cause it used to be a reputable news source.
  8. See you have everything all turned around and backwards again. The liberal rat fuck shut the small business owner down for 2 years. Yet the truckers provided goods to the big box corporations to stay open while the government squashed the rest. Now they blame the truckers because they stopped the flow of goods affecting the corporations. I guess for someone as blind as you, grade three problem solving is a stretch. So you're welcome, yet again.
  9. Here is Trudeau's true colours. From 8 years ago. Amazing how short some peoples memories are. Back to you Fail.
  10. Here's my question? Where is mainstream media on this? Oh yeah, Canadians are under attack from media, and the liberal government that funds the media. Imagine this shit happening in our country? Canadians need to wake up before the likes of fail get more of a foothold. After the civil liberties organization sues the liberals, and the Prime minister is thrown from the house, maybe more will start learning the truth. Hopefully
  11. Lmao, 16 posts on one page. You really are mad aren't you, you nazi freedom hater? At least I get out of my basement, you on the other hand, spend way too much time there. Also, stop saying "our" country. You are not Canadian, nor do you even live here.
  12. If you think just one of these charges will stick, you are more deranged than we all think. Maybe one of the parking bylaws will stick. MAYBE.......
  13. @1trailmakerfail. Don't worry, I am still here, not arrested like you think. Your boy is dead in the water. Trudope finally lost it all.
  14. Yeah, he is fucked. Here is the proof. It's funny when the accuser is accusing people of his own issues. The little bitch ran away again. lol
  15. Cute pic of you and Trudope. When is the marriage? I will be sure to send a present.
  16. I am sorry my comment towards MC confuses you. One day it will all become more clear. lol
  17. He is a despicable human being and I hope he lives forever.
  18. Fuck yeah, that was the first place I stopped.
  19. The government (insert bolded text here) For two years and counting. Your hypocrisy is undeniable. Are you really this stupid? I gotta know. Fucking libtards, take the very reason people are standing up to tyranny, turn it around with your warped sense of reality and use it as your fucking argument. Get, the fuck out of our countries.
  20. The liberal politicians are the biggest crooks in the entire world. Never ever give your money to a politician. Left, right, centre, commi, dictator, use whatever word you want. Corrupt describes most of them.
  21. Fucking socialist hackers. Good thing I don't use that shit. Can't track cash. Cash money, the only way to beat socialists agendas.
  22. So, sorry for not being around to kick your teeth in. I have been busy with supporting my freedoms. See, I am not like you, there isn't an asshole pucker mark on my chair like there is on yours. You should get out of the house once in a while. Why do you keep posting pictures of your own clan? I feel it goes against your whole rhetoric here. I am sure I have talked to you on the CRA scam calls before. How is your camel?
  23. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/08/trudeau-lightbound-covid-restrictions-convoy-00006774 @1trailmaker I am surprised you still show your face since you kept saying the trucker convoy would change nothing. I have been super busy doing my part to support this war against freedom and tyranny, yet here you sit every day spewing disinformation and left wing radical positions. The world is actually waking up, not "Woke" like you and your cronies would have everyone believe with your epic propaganda push. Just to recap. Alberta dropping all passports and restrictions, Saskatchewan dropping all passports and restrictions. Liberal caucus in turmoil, Justin the pussy on the run, Pierre Poilievre announces run for conservative leadership race. The times they are a changing, and it's because of the Canadian trucker convoy 2022. In your face.... Stop supporting the liberal hatemobile. Get out of the house and enjoy the fact you are alive and remember what a free country is, cause that freedom is speaking up.
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