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USA Contributing Member
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Everything posted by motonoggin

  1. eLeCtRiC cArS r LeFtEsT tEsLa iZ LeFtEsT dAdDy MuSkY nOt LeFtEsT v8 tRuKs NoT LeFtEsT
  2. Dude is literally a living meme and he's like "Y mE dUMb? dOnT uSe MeMeS".
  3. Dude that's standard American operating procedure. Proxy wars are our thing. Lmao
  4. Might as well make it a DeSantis/Menendez ticket so the bipartisan grift gravy train doesn't stop lol
  5. motonoggin


    Not one actual leftist supported Biden. Liberals, sure, no question. Some of you really need to develop a better understanding of the political spectrum. I really think it would help you understand things better and you wouldn't feel so god-damned stupid all the time.
  6. Lol if you want to put the grift and backdoor deals on steroids, elect a Florida goon as president. Has to be the second most corrupt state behind New Jersey.
  7. It's almost like money is a social construct or something...
  8. Just stop. They're not going to let you in the club no matter how much you tongue polish their penny loafers.
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