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Everything posted by AKIQPilot

  1. My daughter graduated from UNLV with a masters degree in logistics management. She joined the Army Core of Engineers in 2005. She volunteered to go to Afgan within a couple months of joining the core. While there she met her future husband. He was a security guard for Global Security Solutions at the time. Basically a Blackwater like gig. Ross escorted my daughter to a project the US was building in Afgan. She was the logistics specialist responsible for materials. They hit it off. They did this for a few years and ten got married in 2008. Ross left GSS and went back to school on the GI Bill. Completed his masters in Project Management in under 3 years. They are both making bank in Korea now. Loving life and all the excitement of traveling the world.
  2. My oldest daughter spent 6 years at the US base Kandahar. Her husband spent 6 years in Afghanistan and Iraq as a Special Ops soldier. Both are in South Korea now.
  3. I don't know that it really matters I was just wondering. It was an honest question. He didn't start waving his cash around until after you attacked his nationality.
  4. Would you mind going over your service for us again so we know who we are dealing with here. I know you are a decorated soldier and all but I forgot where and how you served.
  5. I sure have. I've also had many other mentally unstable individuals react incorrectly.
  6. You went after his birth country and he responded. I know and am surrounded by way more Canadians day in and day out than you will likely ever be. To throw their country up like it's some sort of disgraceful thing is pathetic. You and many others do it regularly. It's not a good look.
  7. And I do not. While I have never been shot at as a part of my job I have been surrounded by explosive atmospheres waiting to ignite for 35 years. I've responded to situations where my coworkers were killed. I know what it takes to react under pressure. I've seen people react incorrectly and escalate the issue. You don't have to dodge bullets to have an opinion on mental stability.
  8. And your first post in this thread was to tell him to shut the fuck up. "if you havent served your opinion means nothing" essentially.
  9. It was a simple question. You can take a shot at answering for him if you like.
  10. May I ask what you've accomplished in life that would make you anything other than mediocrity? Just wondering?
  11. Things were good all year. I keep track of things pretty close while I'm gone. I have about 10 security cameras with alarm system and several automated lights I can turn on and off remotely. All of my thermostats are wifi enabled smart stats with multiple remote room sensors so I can monitor the temp of my boiler and most rooms in the house remotely. I have a boiler tech on retainer if needed. I pay him an hour to stop by in the fall while I'm home and we go over all of my systems and spare parts and we come up with a plan on how to respond if I need him to access the house to make a repair. I also have several neighbors that are close friends that I can count on if I need someone to stop by and look things over. In mid Feb I got an alarm from my smart stat that the main floor had been calling for heat for 2hrs with no increase in room temp. I took a quick look at my boilercam and sure enough the boiler was not firing. I called my friend and neighbor and he stopped by. We facetimed and watched the mimic lights on the PLC and within a minute I knew the igniter had failed. He swapped out the igniter for me and she fired right up and purred like a kitten. He looked at my maintenance log and I had last replaced that igniter in Oct 2011 so it was about time for a new one. Not one person came on my property all winter that didn't have permission. I was even able to talk to the UPS man a couple of times via my cameras and he placed packages in hidden spots instead of the front porch. It's kinda scary just walking away from your home for weeks or months at a time during the middle of winter but I have a fairly good system and can monitor most things almost instantly. Sold the plane the year before I retired. Same with the race car. No way could I retire and afford those expensive to maintain items for long.
  12. Such a sad thing to have happen to one of Paris’ greatest icons. Ive been inside twice. Once was a limited visit because of a wedding. The second visit was much more incredible. Ive seen a few videos on FB and im very surprised how much of the architecture, decor and stain glass was still in good shape after the fire. I expected the whole place to be virtually destroyed.
  13. You two and Maddow have a long history of being wrong about everything. Please just shut the fuck up for a while would ya. The world would be a much better place.
  14. $5/hr plus mushrooms. I will work all day long.
  15. I like all seasons and definitely like spring. Swans and Grebes wake me up in the morning. Trees budding, flowers blooming, grass turning green. Waterski in the morning and sled in the afternoon. Top it all off with a fire in the evening. It doesn't get much better than that.
  16. Hahahahaha. “Dont get your expectations up”. You’re starting to catch on. You’re gonna be disappointed when the full report is released too.
  17. No dogshit here. No dogs. Some moose nuggets though. Lawn Vac picks them right up. I love spring. Some of the most beautiful days here are in spring. I don't have allergies so thats a non issue.
  18. Just got back to AK early this morning after being gone most of winter. The weather has been unreal here for the past several weeks. In the 50’s almost every day. The lake is already out, went out April 8th. This is the earliest its ever gone out in the 33 years we have lived in this old place. Swans, Greebs, Loons and Eiders are already here making those beloved morning noises. I raked and thatched the lawn, weeded most of the flower beds, picked up all the bits of trash that blew into the yard all winter. My spring time chores are already done and the grass is turning green. Looking forward to another great summer. Hows spring shaping up for you guys.
  19. Well using your numbers, you did overclaim your state income taxes by 15%. I was a bit surprised by that. I tried to give you the benefit of doubt but when you overstated the state income tax it kinda makes your entire claim suspect. If youve already done your taxes how could you misstate your state income tax by such a large amount. Then when you tried to claim your federal tax rate went up by 2% when it was closer to 1% it makes everything you say suspect. I will stick with my original position. You live in a high tax state with a really big mortgage. These are your choices. Dont blame Trump or anyone else on the position youve put yourself into.
  20. He makes over $160k. His numbers are still way off.
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