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Everything posted by Catman

  1. Where is the scientific proof to back up this "theory"? You just made that up lmfao
  2. Fuck me. I believe what you're tring to refer to is population density. Which is an important issue but totally unrelated. Let me reiterate this fact: 1/3 of all farmland is used to grow crops for livestcock. Then there is grazing land. these factors ts are well documented. I already posted a link. Unlike you I'm not making things up, I'm referring to documented well reviewed, accurate research. There is really only 1 argument you or any other denier has is science in general is some kind of illuminati. http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ditcted2012d3_en.pdf https://goo.gl/images/J88ppE
  3. Over 25% of the earth's non ice covered land mass is used by animal agriculture. I already posted that 3% is urbanized. Urbanization is so far fown on the list of issues, not to mention totally impossible to restrict. Diet/animal agriculture and the use of fossil fuels 100% able to change. http://www.slideshare.net/ciatdapa/livestock-and-resource-use-in-the-context-of-climate-change
  4. Only reasonably intelligent thing you've said in his thread. Something that is occurring on a small scale all over the world. Solar panels would probably be better in most places.
  5. We'll, not exactly. there are almost 100m cattle, dairy and beef. There were estimated to be 20-30m bison. 500k now. Which is an issue in and of itself. That is just in the usa. There are over 1.6b cattle world wide, mostly in places that never had cows of any kind prior to. Then you have the canary in the coal mine; the land used not just for grazing but for feeding the animals. total livestock feed land represents 1/3 of all land used for livestock. The water used to feed livestock of course, which I pointed out earlier. Roughly 3% of the worlds land mass is urbabized, which represents about 1/2 of the wold population. This is increasing of course. It presents challenges due to the urban heat island effect, food distribution and housing but urbanization has a minimal impact on the climate in comparison to fossil fuel use, animal agriculture, etc. http://www.fao.org/Newsroom/en/news/2006/1000448/index.html
  6. Disprove? No. A handful disagree and have differing theories and there are many quesions that will always exist but the evidence is overwhelming and consensus is reached. Every major climate related institute, that deals with climate-related science is saying AGW is here and real and dangerous. I love how you day it's greed but cant think to look at the elephant in the room. laughable. greedy scientists. ya that's it!
  7. One acre producing 250lb. read it 10 times and maybe you'll understand. carrots take 8 weeks to grow and cows need 1 acre or 2 for a cow calf pair. Carl Sagan wrote: “We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements—transportation, communications, and all other industries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting—profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.” So true
  8. We clear cut for hundreds of years, hence why they go back 100. my stat is accurate and my narratives are dead straight. Keep in mind the fucking OP shared an outrageously false statement and that's why we're talking. I'm dealing with a level of imbecile here that would give a 3rd grade science class a good run, but not likely 4th grade. The usa is 1 country in the world, that stat focuses on it becaie thats the audience, deforestation today is a bigger issue in places like Brazil and Indonesia. Just like pollution Is a bigger issue in China than the usa today but that doesn't discount the pollution we already caused and continue to in North america, its just less than China. Animal agriculture is a huge issue, and an environmental disaster. it likely contributes over 1/5th of all harmful greenhouse gas emisions and is a major contributor to climate change overall, but I realize I'm dealing with people here who would prefer to bury their head because it's cold outside.
  9. Never said there weren't. note the 100 years. the land use is but 1 part of the equation. Why not research to learn more and not jump to conclusions becasue its all you know, instead of trying to disprove me?
  10. Never mentioned anything related how much 1 cow produces. you can grow numerous cycles of vegetables in 18 months, which was entirely my point. Most of the food we consume in Canada is produced in regions which grow year round. the numbers are accurate and I challenge you to refute them with more than a efernce to some arms length friend of yours. lol This is no theory moron. thsee are facts at end yiur opinion is not a faCT it's pure fantasy. if you pulled your head out of your ass yoI'd relize how realis to it is http://www.cowspiracy.com/facts/
  11. How long does it take to raise 1 cow for slaughter ? idiot Edit: I noticed I make a mistake it's 30,000 lbs of vegatables not 130000... I've looked into it immensely
  12. You don't know when to quit. Your friends friend is dumb, you can be a vegetarian and be as healthy or healthy than a beef eater. I digress I never even mentioned vegetarianism. I'd never stop eating Animals. chicKen is far less expensive, better for you, uses far less land to raise, and produces far less emissions to raise than cattle. There and plenty of other foods you can supplement your diet with as well. Seems like you should look into it with how brain dead you are. I love how guys like you who think you know everything and have all the answers just make stuff up through self rationalization and never bother to look into the facts or consider people who have studies these topics immensely. NO NO 02sled on ole freedomsledder has ALL the answers! Some facts: -Livestock take up 25% of land not covered by ice -260 million acres of usa forests have been cut for livestock feed -80% of the deforestation in the amazon is due to beef production -one acre of beef production land producing 250lbs of beef could product over 130,000 lbs of vegatables. -1 lb of beef uses 1800 gallons of water to produce while chicken is 470 gal and 357 gal for 3 pounds of potatoes Get some rest, its been a long day for you.
  13. What in the fuck are you talking about? chicken $/lb is about 1/4 the cost of most beef products. It's mostly rich countrieswho have the highest consumption of beef. Vegatables have a higher yield per square foot of land and offer better nutrition in general.
  14. Yes I still eat meat retard but I've cut back from day 4x a week to 1 time. if all humans did this, especially Americans it would receive greenhouse gas emissions immensely, reduce starvation and world hunger, and overall health of those who've made the change. an easy change anyone can make But you're too dumb to even admit it's an issue let alone make any changes. total fucking retard
  15. Already posted that and it's been ignored. likely billions. 35 mil.so far just for security at trump palace
  16. Look! another genius! I'd love to hear how I'm a hypocrit. Yiu obviously don't even know what that means. .. sleds contribute almost 0 to the overall emissions. I would love an electric truck and expect to own one at some point, to date they dont make them. i drive abiut 1/4 what i did a few years ago. i take transit and ride my bike now as muvh as possible. We need to fundamentally change how we live. the beef and other raised animals you might eat are far greater impact, especially when you look at total consumption numbers. it's an easy win.
  17. Fuck you're dumb. Do you know how much impact 3/4 reduction of beef intake in our lives would impact greenhouse gas emissions? I love this logic "if you're aren't all in you're not in at all" totally fucking ignorant
  18. What I or you have is irrelevant to the fact these factora have a tremenous inpact on climate changem I am tying to change my ways. I have cut back my beef diet by at least 3/4. this is actually one of the easiest ways we can rice our carbon footprint. it's healthy too.
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