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Posts posted by Phenom

  1. …except for those downtrodden minorities. Am I talking about Blacks or Brown people, no. Am I talking about disabled people, no. Am I talking about women or “alphabet people”, no. It seems the new downtrodden and under represented segment of Americans seems to be the Republicans…especially the far right!!! Will the pendulum ever swing back in their favor??? Or will the continue to become more and more marginalized to the point where their only voice will be on obscure snowmobile forums citing video clips of their mouthpieces from the dark corners of the internet. 

    How does it feel to have the country you love become less and less recognizable every day and also seeing your representatives become less and less effective due their minority in government?  

    Maybe the tune will change next election cycle…

  2. My perspective is I would rather be vaccinated and have what some call marginal antibodies so that when and if I get the virus it shouldn’t be a death sentence…but if I do get the virus after vaccination I should get those versions of the antibodies produced. In other words, doubly protected and alive. 

    It’s kind of like being both seatbelted and having modern air bags. Each on their own deliver protection, but together provide exponentially better protection. Nothing’s perfect, but why die a stupid death or become more injured if it can be avoided?

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  3. 15 hours ago, Zambroski said:



    Survival of the fittest. It’s funny how the alpha predator wolves need protection. They have litters of pups every year sometimes 6, 7, or 8 and seem to not be able to sustain without the governments strict regulation. Deer on the other hand who are the prey species who’s females only produce 1 or 2 a year are hunted by the thousands, but yet survive to excess. By the laws of nature, the deer must be stronger and smarter. Now back to your programming. 

  4. I came from an old dealers collection that was moved to an unheated storage building and sat for 20 years. Extremely low mileage, odo says 1 mile, but I think it was ridden with speedo cable disconnected, but not a lot nubs are still on tires. There’s  some aluminum oxidation and chrome pitting but should polish out. Rebuild carb, flush motor and oil tank, magneto has spark and has good compression  check valves and give her a kick…fingers crossed

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  5. Hey guys. I know there’s a lot of angst and doom and gloom in the world, but recent current events have decided to shine their ever loving light on me personally and I would love to share it with you guys. 


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  6. 7 minutes ago, airflite1 said:



    Kentucky attorney general Daniel Cameron held a press conference on Wednesday, explaining all of the grand jury's findings.  The most important one was that the police did not do a no-knock raid.  That was what everyone was told to justify why Breonna's boyfriend, Walker, shot at the police when they entered the apartment:

    Interesting article. If indeed she was running with the wrong crowd, then fine, arrest her and her boyfriend  in a smart way that is not so high risk. Instead the show of lethal force will set cop vs community relations back decades…and it puts future cops at risk, but hey it’s their job, but don’t be surprised when you see cops on the loosing end. It’s already happening with some ambushes. But hey, it’s all by the book…time to rewrite the book for everyone’s benefit, especially for our men in blue. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Sleepr2 said:

    The study shows how mismanaged these imigrant workforce is managed. Instead of forcing them underground treat them as a resource. If you treat them and hunt them like criminals then they have no choose but to be criminals and a burden on our system. Make them legitimate and the vast majority will act and conduct themselves legitamatly. 

    They are here and there ain’t enough planes to send them back. We can just throw up are hands and resent them or we can change the laws where they can become what they want to be, employed and part of the American dream. 

    A lot of republicans detest these people for fear they are automatically democrats, but I bet if they were working hard and paying taxes a lot of them because of Latin social values would more associate with republican. Look at the long exiled Cuban community in Florida. A fairly high percentage are republican. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Ez ryder said:

    We already have work visa laws . Once they are up they vanish in to the masses . No way to track them and zero interst to do so by every one on the left. 

    Millions of cash jobs in this world and until you ban cash there will always be endless cash work out there 

    So why sunset the work visas?  Keep them active and not.put the person in a situation where they have to go underground. By having to go underground it enables non law abiding employers to exploit these workers. These workers would much rather be legitimate than living in fear of the next ICE raid. Laws are useless without the teeth of enforcement. 

  9. 42 minutes ago, Ez ryder said:

    And you will find them how ? 

    I am all for open borders if we cut out all social programs for every one . 

    But you can't have open borders and giveaways 

    As soon as they cross the border and are vetted they get a work I’d with alien ssn. This must be presented wherever they work under penalty of law to both them and the employer. This gives a record and location where they are working. Remove all alien welfare except in extreme cases where family or sponsor on record is directly assisting them with housing. The vast majority of immigrants either legal or illegal just want to work and live in a society where they feel save and secure. And our tax base could use their money, but the way it is now millions are working under the table. 

  10. Teenagers and minor criminals sneak in. Cops and hardcore criminals bust in the door. Like you said, the guy was a drug dealer. His gun was intended most likely for a rival busting in to take him out, not for cops. I have no problem with him being arrested, but there are better ways to do it with surveillance and rapid takedown outside the residence. This isn’t liberal White Knight thinking, it’s smart thinking that could save both cops lives and innocent lives. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, EvilBird said:

    Well I dont sell drugs, dont live with a criminal,  dont live in an apartment in a shitty neighborhood, and wouldnt return fire at Police officers so I would say my odds are pretty good. 

     The Bitch was living with a criminal drug dealer that was armed and said many times on social media he was going to kill Cops. Do you really think she didnt know what kind of bullshit  she was wrapped up in? How fucking retarded are You? 

    Oh she was a Nurse and a perfect citizen I forgot. 

    Better people die every hour...who gives a fuck dude you watch WAY too much news. Go outside. 

    And that is why is said mistakenly. Unless you believe that law enforcement is 100% infallible …


    Say someone does break down your door in the dark of night claiming to be cops…a criminal would never claim that in a home invasion, right?  Are you going to hold fire to check for verification?  Cops and criminals would come in with lights off blinding you with bright flashlight beams and guns drawn ready to fire. 

    Id rather outlaw no knock warrants so that if someone busts in I could shoot without hesitation knowing it ain’t a cop. 

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