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Everything posted by SkisNH

  1. Doesn't make a difference if it we're Trump or Jesus himself. I understand in the very beginning people were afraid, very quickly we had data on who was in danger and who was not. The vax should have been made optional to the high risk groups. The fact they pushed it on kids that don't get a strong reaction to covid is disgusting.
  2. Lockdowns, business closures, firings, mandates.... Welcome to the new America...your ancestors are rolling over in their Graves.
  3. So dumb you have to break shit down to stereotypes...it's okay meat head do another cycle.
  4. Fucking baller made $3.00 on his electric bill 👏
  5. Haha another stupid fucking argument...another cycle should help.
  6. And I'm not antivaxx....I'm fully immunized by the tested and proven vaccines. You know the ones, the ones like were I can't get polio or transmit polio.
  7. Same correlation as those that are slaves to a monthly payment are slaves to the govt mandates.
  8. Didn't need one before or after the lock downs, but that isn't the fucking point is it?
  9. I'm outraged that nurses, cops. Firefighters and everyday civilians stood up to Covid and carried on, they tried to make life normal. In exchange they were fired for non compliance to the vax. Aren't your even a little mad?
  10. Oh so the mandates were just the govt....wholly fuck
  11. Couldn't get to Germany without the vax.
  12. Haha...I pay cash because I can. Just bought my wife a new car for Xmas.
  13. Fuck the travel argument dummy...what about work? You know feed your fucking family type shit. How many small businesses closed? And by fuck the travel argument...I simply mean you're too stupid to understand what a specious argument is.
  14. Haha you are the definition of a specious argument. Poor meat head can't tell the difference between a passport and forced injection with an unknown vaccine.
  15. How could they know what the adverse reaction are in such a short time period. Isn't that why they study for 5-10 years. Either way...I don't give a fuck. I care that they made the (experimental vax) mandatory. I care that they closed businesses. I care that they borrowed the future of our country for a fucking flu
  16. Haha Vaccines are typically tested for 5-10 years. Please tell the class how long the covid 19 vaccinations were tested; being a new virus.
  17. Dude a flu kept you hiding in your basement and wearing a paper mask everyday.
  18. Why don't you go celebrate with those 2 dudes that just won a women's cycling event Beta boy.
  19. Some Restaurants in person required that stupid vax passport card. He is factually correct.
  20. Not the same...you are conflating valid I.D with an experimental vaccine. How many mRNA vaccines have been approved prior to covid? How long does the trial phase of a drug last before distribution?
  21. Apparently not...all of us unvaxed will be in the Gaspe in March.
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