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Everything posted by WildMann

  1. I would bring Jason Kenny here in an instant. I would also bring the governor of Florida and the governor of Texas in without a moments hesitation.
  2. Hating Trudeau and protesting Trudeau is fighting for Canada stupid.
  3. You may want to repeat that while looking in the mirror
  4. Doug Ford didn't want mandates, Justin Trudeau forced him. How come you can't get this simple math through you thick head?
  5. Wrong again. It must suck being you.
  6. Just like some people's stupidity is ok? Got it..
  7. You are welcome, and I will continue to fight this fight for you, while your lazy, drunk, waste of skin looks forward to going back to the bar. See, that is freedom right there, I will sacrifice my time and energy for you to collect your welfare cheque and bad mouth our freedoms, while you support the overreach of our government. That right there is the freedom I will fight for. So consider yourself very, very lucky Fail. If you even live in Canada.
  8. All you are doing is deflecting into absurd examples of mandates that you read on twitter. Seriously, fuck you and your commie agenda. I hope you live forever bud.
  9. If it was up to Fail, he would just hide in the bar, drinking his life away till they came for him. Then wonder why nobody was left to help him.
  10. Right? AT no point did I ever mention Doug Ford, but he seems to be stuck on him. Maybe lovers, but had a falling out?
  11. Are you drinking already? If all you want to do it go to the bar, maybe some self reflection is needed. Now can you please explain whatever it is you just said here.
  12. Yeah, unfortunately a life failure like 550.
  13. Now it's millions. first it was 10,000, then 50,000 now it's a cool million.
  14. You gotta stop saying our. You are not canadian.
  15. There is an awesome turnout. Love it. Fail hates it because he cannot leave his house, for fear of the virus.
  16. Again, you don't know the area, and I can clearly see the people in the shadows of the buildings. Plus have live feeds sent directly to me. I bet in that last picture you will say there is 100 people.
  17. Gotta stop posting links for this douchebag, he is reporting them and they are being taken down. Fucking Nazi. Bet he works for CBC.
  18. Clearly you are not from here, nor do you know where the people are. That cam shows the front lawn, and most out there will be security and such. It does not show the people. It doesn't even show 1/4 the people. That is what CBC is supposed to be doing. Downplaying. Stupid is as stupid does. Where are you from really?
  19. Actually yes I will. Cause I live here waste of skin.
  20. I bet the real numbers would shock you. But you would say they aren't real.
  21. Your CBC media is hiding the numbers, You cannot see even half of the people in your precious video.
  22. I am about freedom and yes I hate Trudy. So what? The border thing started because of Trudy. Please pull your head out of your ass for one second and get some air.
  23. I was about to say the same thing to you. Keep posting, I have nothing better to do today. I am not american and don't really care what they do, to tell you the truth.
  24. Obviously you didn't read one of my replies. USA countered Trudy law. Like a sanction. You really did take the short bus didn't you?
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