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Team Green
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Everything posted by WildMann

  1. India Twitter is laughing at Trudope. Have you seen the trucks headed to Washington? The whole world is watching and it makes people like you, who are supporting this tyranny, angry as fuck. I see it in your posts. You just cannot stop your fingers, you need to troll, I have you figured out bud. The funniest part is I live for people like you. Cannot do this to good people, but I relish doing it to the likes of you.
  2. Don't worry little man. The reopening is coming. You will be back smoking dope in the park soon.
  3. Why are you replying to me @1trailmaker? You haven't even watched the video's yet. Oh sorry, you are laughing at yourself.
  4. @1trailmaker will that keep you busy for a bit? Just call when you need me to kick your ass publicly again.
  5. Don't worry you waste of skin, socialist, nazi failure. Just go smoke your dope, drink your face off and it will all be ok for you. I know the truth, cause I am here, and you aren't, and you aren't even a Canadian. I do know who you want to be though. I kept these specially for you. The first people this guy shows are Fail's people, then moves on to some better news. Here is a video showing what the government thinks of your special little lady Trudope. And don't worry Polaris550, I know Fail is your alt. Are you mad bro? Here is some more for ya. 5 or 6 trucks here and there. Finally some good news in this thread. Fuck you Fail, and fuck your DNA.
  6. ok, honestly. That is the most intelligent thing I have heard come out of your keyboard today. Congrats on finding your brain.
  7. I am not out here on the forum starting shit. I am not voicing my extremism, I am not attacking anyone's beliefs. When I do step out of the shadows, it's because one of you fucktards is doing just that. You are not engaging in intelligent discussion. You are spewing a bias line of crap that has to do with your own beliefs and I am tired of people who think the right to free speech opens the door to this. So, I engage.
  8. Yep. spew your shit and you will be attacked. 101....
  9. Hear, hear... You are going to make @1trailmakercry.
  10. You have not called one thing about me correctly, but keep guessing. Maybe you will stumble across something.
  11. No, I am not thinking that at all. Cause again you are so far from the truth.
  12. I am not ok with unions. I am pretty much anti liberal.
  13. If you are a canadian, I urge you to go donate right now. Go, GO, GO, donate NOW!!!
  14. 9 million now, these people must not like your kind.
  15. And sorry, we know how stupid people are, case in point @1trailmaker
  16. The truckers convoy has raised 8 million dollars as of this morning.
  17. Keep drinking and spewing your delusions. It's funny as fuck.
  18. Thanks for the good luck wishes. You should get out and support the free country you live in so it remains free. Oh shit that's right. You aren't canadian nor do you live here.
  19. Actually, we are helping every truck driver, and every citizen of canada. Fighting Tyranny and oppression.
  20. No I am just telling you, that you are wrong. I also oppose absolutely everything you say nazi bitch
  21. Yeah, well you have been wrong so far, so let your real feelings out.
  22. You are wrong again. The federal government can tell the provinces what to do. He can cause them to lift the mandates. You don't know who I vote for, nor do you know if I voted for him at all.
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