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Everything posted by revrnd

  1. My co-worker said his "friend" lived in a hovel that had a tarp for half off its roof. I guess that's better than being homeless in your books.
  2. If Rubio is pissed off about Justine's comments: http://mytoba.ca/featured/marco-rubio-reacts-to-trudeaus/ I wonder what The Donald thinks?
  3. Yeah if it was the paradise that Fail talks about, why do Cubans risk life & limb in rickety boats? I guess the same thing could be said about those misguided Germans that were killed trying to escape East Germany
  4. If Canada has done the right thing w/ Cuba, why is the place (outside of resorts) a shit hole? Maybe now that Uncle Fidel is gone, PM Fluffy will raise human rights w/ Raoul like he is cajoling the Africans about LGBT rights.
  5. Isn't it the Liberals & their beloved multiculturalism that created hyphenated Canadians. I remember the uproar from the powers to be that were upset that some people had the temerity of calling themselves "Canadian", not "fill in the blank"-Canadians on the census. Then we have the 10,000 Canadians of convenience that demanded to be rescued when the shit hit the fan in Lebanon.
  6. The Cuba missile crisis happened after I was born. What was Canada's thoughts on that little item?
  7. I wonder if Sophie has told Justin that Uncle Fidel has died? I guess the PMO will have to rearrange his schedule so he can attend the funeral. If Sophie tags along, that'll really throw a wrench into her itinerary.
  8. Fail, funny you mention Joe Clark's wife Maureen McTeer. I'm pretty sure that was the last time (before Princess Sophie's arrival) that a PM's wife caused a stir. People were all upset that she was keeping her maiden name. PET's wife/ex-wife... Chretien's wife chased an intruder w/ a statue Turner wasn't PM long enough for anyone to know his wife Mila was pretty much invisible Loreen according to Fail was a crazy cat lady who was a battered wife if you follow along on Faceplant.
  9. They mention rewiring the house, are they using gold plated monster cable? My nephew an apprentice election should put in a bid. Pretty sure his labour rate would be less than a journeyman's. That should save the gov't some money.
  10. revrnd

    It has begun

    Saw the ambulance go out yesterday afternoon. Not too far from a fatal on the Anstruther Lake Rd about 30 odd years ago. In that case it was a group of early season sledders road running & a newbie on a 294 SS Elan. Lost control on a curve & hit a tree. That being said we'd be lucky to have 4" of snow here.
  11. I thought Canadians were against ending door to door delivery? http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/grenier-canada-post-poll-1.3862270
  12. Coverage on the news showed him getting down for a pic w/ a bunch of kids in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. Looked as bad as Angelina Jolie picking out a new kid. The kids were probably smarter than him. He was dumbing down the collective IQ of the group.
  13. After his multi billion dollar piss away to solve climate change in the 3rd world (I wonder how many G Wagens, Escalades & Range Rovers will be bought w/ that money?) the Canadian media told us that this was putting Canada out front in the world's eyes. Well I Googled a few of the international papers & there was nary a mention of "Canada's" largesse. The only result was a mention in a Sydney Australia newspaper about how Aussies that had Canadian friends or relatives thought it was great that Canada had elected such a cool person as PM.
  14. Liberals figure Justine is Moses leading us to the promised land. The guy is a dolt! If it wasn't for Butts & the other back room boys, I doubt he could tie his shoelaces. Why does he act that he is smarter than all the other world leaders & figure that Canada has to take a leading role in all the world's ills? In the big picture we're insignificant.
  15. The only businesses that a lower CDN dollar helps is exporters when they ship products to the US. On the flip side it's more expensive for those same companies to buy equipment priced in US bucks.
  16. Go the way of NPR or PBS in the States.
  17. This ought to cause a shitstorm in Ottawa: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2016/11/24/mp-kellie-leitch-calls-for-cbc-to-be-dismantled.html Trudeau will have her citizenship revoked for statements like this. As an aside I think Casey & Finnegan would do a better job running the country than PM Fluffhead.
  18. He gave Moms Mabley in Liberia 12 million today. His LGBT preaching doesn't seem to be going over too well. Mind you he said some cultures haven't advanced as quickly on rights as Canada. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-asked-about-women-and-lgbtq-rights-in-liberia-1.3865459 Another back pedal: http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/grenier-canada-post-poll-1.3862270 When answering the questions from the Opposition about the "cash for access" fiasco, Romeo LeBlanc used the "well the Conservatives did it" defence. I thought voting for Liberals was a vote for change?
  19. The window washer has been front & centre today. She's against a referendum on the voting reform because it'll be too expensive. She also said not enough people showed up @ her town hall meetings in BC & Ontario to gauge public opinion. Maybe they didn't show up you dumb bitch because nobody cares about it! Besides several of the meetings were held in her riding during the day. I guess she expected people to take time off work to attend.
  20. He's probably hoping most of the Gardiner & DVP users aren't residents (read voters).
  21. I I guess I can blame growing up beside one that was a ravine & filled in during the 50s. It really settled since. In some ways the space is wasted. The old Oshawa dump on Ritson Road is a barren fenced in field w/ the methane vents. Too bad they couldn't plant trees on it.
  22. Tree huggers hate that idea. I recall seeing a program about in being done in Sweden years ago. I thought everything the Swedes did was perfect?
  23. Come on where'd you get that idea? Oh I forgot the Liberals brought us Adscam & envelopes of money being exchanged @ fancy restaurants.
  24. LOL I don't want to get into details ;-)
  25. The 1st update of the season for the online lodging databasehas been done. I'm currently working on updating the GPS data for a lot of the businesses. Google Earth can be helpful or WAYYYY off when it comes to where it has marked the locations of some businesses. If you know of any changes of lodging that you're familiar w/, please let me know via PM. Also, if you notice that an accommodation is marked "trail access?" and confirm or deny trail access, that would be appreciated. The database is here: http://www.sleddersworld.com/departments/ontarioDB/
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