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Everything posted by revrnd

  1. Killer would say it's Photoshopped. If you've ever seen the movie Narc with Ray Liotta, you'd be surprised that T.O. stood in for Detroit. Other than 1 day of shooting for a particular series of street scenes in the Murder City, the rest of the filming was done in Toronto.
  2. revrnd

    It has begun

    Did he work at Darlington or Pickering?
  3. https://www.sootoday.com/national-news/softwood-lumber-dispute-heats-up-as-us-lumber-group-files-petition-for-duties-473969 As much as I want a successful resolution & the possibilty of some of the shuttered sawmills reopening across the country, I have my doubts. One would hope that the Canadian negotiators keep that ninny (or what ever you want to call her) Freeland as far away from the table as possible. God help us if the Americans see her break down in tears @ the slightest obstacle.
  4. Probably signed an "X" w/ 1 of his crayons.
  5. Sounds like North Korea when Kim Jong Il died.
  6. I thought there were a lot of squareheads there or were they East Germans before the Soviet Union disappeared?
  7. If that was the case, shouldn't this be the pic?
  8. Hopefully sometime between now & 2019 that the lapdog media will turn on him after finally realizing what an asshat that they helped elect. Something along the lines of the "Cronkite moment" LBJ had during the Vietnam War. Also, our media & smug Canadians used to take great pride in laughing @ Dubya (& now The Donald), saying we'd never elect anyone as stupid as Bush. Well, I'm pretty sure the joke is on you clowns now.
  9. "Hitler had a great influence on Germany and the world", stated Justin Trudeau. "His interest in all things automotive, brought us the autobahn and Volkswagen Beetle".
  10. Didn't PET spend most of his time disagreeing w/ the US? Despite his faults, Nixon (LOL) did call Trudumb Sr an asshole.
  11. If Justine survives 4 years as PM, someone should write a parody version of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kGHmIZ4IUY using a world atlas
  12. http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/no-electoral-reform-until-enough-canadians-want-it-monsef-says-1.3177209 700 witnesses, is that the grand total of the people that attended her town halls? If that's the case, scrap the whole thought as obviously NOBODY out of 30 odd million people care. Hopefully the online survey turns into a fiasco like the boat naming contest in England in which Tuggy McTugboat (or some equally stupid name) won the contest. How about she's in over her head? After her birthplace fiasco, she has absolutely no credibility on this file. Little Miss Prissy preaching to us how we should conduct our elections? I don't think so. A political opportunist that rode the ABC wave into a chair warmer's job.
  13. You'd almost think this was taken from the Trudumb family's photo album: http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/michael-den-tandt-earth-to-trudeau
  14. Is this what happens when he decides to "wing it" & the PMO doesn't vet what he's going to say? Unless the "drama teacher" has a script in front of him, he just stutters & stammers along. I can't imagine him coming up w/ a statement over 2 sentences long w/o help from his advisers.
  15. The idiot goes worldwide preaching to countries about how they should conduct their internal affairs & tells us he raises human rights when he meets world leaders. I wonder if he's going to be able to attend this: https://www.yahoo.com/news/gay-rights-activists-march-delhi-parade-113038970.html
  16. His initial statement & attempts to back track @ Francophonie (nice to see Michelle Jean still @ the trough) reminded me of a statement that my nephew made when he was 9 or 10 years old. My father was watching a documentary about Hitler in the 30s before the start of WWII. The nephew was intently watching. When it was over, he turned to my father & said, "He was awfully mean wasn't he Pops?" I guess my father said, "Yes, you could say that". Trudumb would probably say the same thing about Castro if he was told of the reality.
  17. I wasn't looking for him in the crowd (not really paying much attention to the story), then I saw a hand waving in a crowd of people standing. Then I realized it was the moron. http://ipolitics.ca/2016/11/26/trudeau-attacked-worldwide-for-castro-statement/ "Canada IS back" Is it any wonder we're insignificant on the world stage?
  18. revrnd

    It has begun

    The road is about half a mile long and crooked. It's just an access point to a boat launch. I haven't been on it in several years, but I don't think it's much more than a typical 2 track, cottage road. On my way to Ptbo today I had the same thought as Puzzleboy about the whole liability issue. I'd hate to be the guy that was selling the sled. Lets be careful out there guys this winter.
  19. It's like people ask, "Why does Trudeau dwell on getting a seat on the UN's Security Council when it accomplishes nothing & turns a blind eye to despots?" When Trudumb goes to Havana, I wonder how many other heads of state will attend? Maybe he'll be able to sit @ the grown up table. Had to laugh watching the group shot of the Francophonie conference. Numbnut was the 1st clown to start waving @ the camera. We've got a fucking 12 year old running the country.
  20. Washington Post & the Daily Telegraph have both commented on his statements, plus a lot of hilarity on Twitter: https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23trudeaueulogies&src=typd What can you expect when the old man was enamoured w/ his dictatorship? He lived in a bubble & I bet he had very little contact w/ other kids of regular backgrounds.
  21. the Liberal supporters have told us since his election that "Canada is back!" & we'll get noticed. Can't think of a more prominent paper to be recognised by in the US & UK https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/11/26/trudeau-called-castro-a-remarkable-leader-twitter-imagined-what-he-would-say-about-stalin/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/27/trudeaueulogies-justin-trudeaus-warm-tribute-fidel-castro-mocked/
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Period Probably just US propaganda
  23. I have no need to escape our frigid winters to go south. This wasn't '1949 that my friend was down there, it was the late 90s & I doubt things have changed. If a person is only making 20 bucks a month, I bet a tarp would take up most of that revenue.
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