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Everything posted by ckf

  1. What's that? === -auth_id john@nekwx.com ===
  2. I use IMAP and I just checked, only my sent emails show.
  3. I got the failed delivery warnings and I also have the server set to send me a message when an account attempts to send more than 100 emails at a time. The source code shows that they used the password. Here's what they were sending.
  4. Computer came back clean. The only other thing it could be is an app on the phone, or they used a password cracker?
  5. The bastards hacked my mail email account. They are using it to send spam mail all over the world. My passwords are pretty good on stuff like that so I'm not sure how they got it. I'm running a scan on my laptop now, but I think it may have been from my phone. I just added the email account to my phone about a week before I started getting mail warning messages from my server.
  6. I get it. I ended up changing the name of the marijuana forum to 'the lounge' when members mentioned that it wasn't cool to see that on their screen at work. The reason we have the bada bing forum is for the nude pics. One of our few revenue stream to keep this place afloat is through the google ads that only get show to guests. Anyone logged in doesn't see the ads. Anyway, I get flagged for nude pics and some of the violent threads. If I get flagged to many times they will pull my account. So whenever I notice a nude pic I try to remember it and circle back later and delete it before I get flagged by google. It would be much easier for me if members kept the nudes in the bada bing forum.
  7. He's been on Graveyard Cars A few times. Whenever I see him it reminds me of the good ole days at HCS
  8. Done Sorry Jimmy, but that was a little gross, even for FSCE IMO this place does self police itself for the most part. Of course things get a little out of control at times given the lack of rules here. Whenever we ask the members if they want more rules, they say no. Serious question, Moe.....What would you do?
  9. I DON'T KNOW!!!!! LOL Agreed. I think my crazy ole uncle stopped posting the shit pics when I asked him to. We don't need to bring that SHIT up again.
  10. I'm just trying to run the place the same way it's always been run. Should we have freedom for all, or just for the guys we like? Whenever I've asked Uncle Znotty to dial it back he always has
  11. Morning fellas. 34°f with a little bit of white shit falling from the sky
  12. Vacation or work? Midget throwing comp in Hilton Head this week?
  13. Probably brought back from to the states from the war. Yup. Not only within a department but with other agencies throughout the state. A good buddy of mine works for the Sheriffs Department one county over from you and I can't believe how bad the politics are.
  14. Most of the restaurants have it on the menu around here. Good stuff glass of milk?
  15. Is poutine popular in your area? I always thought it was a French Canadian thing
  16. Sounds like she is above your pay grade
  17. creme cheese frosting? butter creme might be good too?
  18. Is there something wrong with milk and spaghetti? I have a glass of milk with dinner every night
  19. I negotiated it after you posted that you wanted him back? Did you change your mind?
  20. I'm told I liked peanut butter and mustard sandwiches as a kid. Haven't tried it again as an adult
  21. On the bold....couldn't happen to a more deserving guy There is something about the two that just click. I don't get why some of these guys think it sounds disgusting without even giving it a try Anyone try graham crackers with whipped creme cheese? That's a good little snack right there, LOL.
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