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Posts posted by reelpro

  1. Yes Its time for our Provincial and Federal Judges to GROW SOME BALLS and start tossing "slip and fall" cases out of our courts.

    We used to laugh at "the stupid Americans" with their ambulance chaser lawyers they allowed , now Canada is worse off.

    "GEE I was walking outside in January in Canada and I slipped and fell on some ice" Now I get to sue someone. 

    And they get paid !

    WTF ??????????

    Also for Government to "CAP" insurance prices for insurance they legislate to be mandatory.

    Insurance will kill organized snowmobiling and we will be back to a free for all situation like sledding was 30 yrs ago - just go ride wherever you find enough snow - no trail systems.

    NO groomers other than finding the odd locals trail groomed with homemade drags.


    Our governments in Canada and our Judicial systems have become filled with MORONS




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  2. it does not matter who you vote in.

    All Ontario political parties will blabber on,  during an election about all the positive changes they are going to make.

    Once in power they will do what every other party has done for 30+ yrs in Ontario

    increase the Public sector worker numbers, at a rate above the  private sector or population growth  and claim that as "job creation" 

    Increase Public Sector workers, wages and benefits above the inflation rate of the private sector, and claim "they are attracting better people"

    The Ontario Government has grown into a massive out of control monster,  wages for "executives" are the highest paid wages on PLANET EARTH in almost every ministry and corporation and agency.  Yes really,  the highest paid/benefits public sector workers of any country in the world 

    The Ontario government is in business to create millionaires out of their own employees in massive numbers. Way more than any Lotto is - especially OLG execs.

    We need a new "sunshine List"  the old one now has hundreds of thousands of over payed public sector workers - its just mind numbing.  Maybe one now for all those over half a million a yr = and yes there are a shit pile of those when there should be ZERO  The average Ontario worker making $48K a yr does not need those monkeys on their backs.

    Can you say SALARY CAP ? Wage Rollback ?

    We (anyone not working for the government) are totally screwed.  

    Just suck it up - Say "Velcome Comrade" to who ever gets into power and get ready for MORE TAX, MORE FEES, MORE MORE MORE for your government.

    Oh yeah, they need some extra tax for their NEW Ontario Government Career path they are creating under your noses.  ADVERTISING AND MARKETING Executives

    They have decided it is just so much fun to create marketing and advertising campaigns that they have doubled those expenditures every yr. over the past few years, and they are going to use this as a new tool to Promote the party in power and how wonderful Ontario government executives are doing.  Then there are just ministries that want to join the fun and advertise for no reason at all, when you ask them why they are advertising a monopoly provided service they say "we don't know !"  'But it is a neat ad aye ?"

    3/4 of a  $ Billion in 2017  and getting ramped up for 2018 

    A Monopoly that is spending a billion dollars a yr in  Marketing and Advertising.  What ?  Yeah every service the government provides will be reduced to allow marketing funds to promote that service. The most exhilarating ad this past year was about the new hospital beds the government was creating in 2017. Yes they needed a radio and TV and social media campaign to ensure we Ontario citizens knew there would be 100 new hospital beds in Ontario. they were all full the minute they opened, but they still needed to spend a few mil to let us know.  And yet we allow this to continue. Watch TV or listen to a radio or pay attention to social media ads, you will be probably as amazed as I was at just how much they advertise. 

    Man we Ontario tax payers are smart !  AYE ?


  3. "Alcohol is another serious issue.  By engaging the driver and watching as he/she retrieves documents gives an officer a chance to asses fine motor skills.  Simply having booze on your breath does not mean you are impaired.  Most helmets have pieces covering the mouth and nose making it difficult to detect the odour as well."

    I guess this is my "beef"

    Officers are using the "document check" to get time to evaluate each sledder for impaired. At least in a lot of areas I ride. 

    If it is a RIDE check - says its a RIDE check - ask the sledder to pull their helmet off .

    We do not have "document checks" on our roadways for vehicles. To have these on our trails is BS. 

    If the sled has trail permit, licence numbers and val tag displayed correctly it should be waived on.  To ask for all paperwork with no visible cause to suspect an otherwise "LEGAL" sledder is HARASSMENT !

    "At least 50% are riding without documentation, proper insurance, proper validation tags etc as well as no trail pass,"

    I think your numbers are wacked. Perhaps 25 years ago when I was a groomer operator and Trail Warden, helping to build the network of trails we have today, we saw numbers in that range, as groomed trails and trail passes were kind of a new thing in a lot of areas, but in 2017 I would say numbers are way less than that. 

    From the LINEUPS I go through every other day - I see about 1 in 15 or 20 pulled aside and ticketed.


  4. Question Regarding Proof of documentation ?

    Who in the OPP organization is responsible for procedures on the OFSC trails ?  I would like to speak with him/her

    The Ontario OPP have emplaced a "Document Check" procedure on our snowmobile trails that has become over the top. I was "document checked" 36 times last 2 seasons  - most of that the prev yr, and have been "document checked" once this yr already on the only day of riding. 

    I have driven a vehicle on Ontario roads and highways over 4 million kms and have never once had an OPP randomly stop me and ask to see documents.

    I asked the OPP on the trail if this was a RIDE check, why did I need to pull out all my paperwork ? He claimed it was not a RIDE check, but rather a "document check"

    I do not mind if the OPP wants to perform RIDE check programs, when on a road in your vehicle and you come to a RIDE check they do not ask every vehicle to show all paperwork. If they did the general public would be up in arms, WE would not stand for it.

    Why are sledders being picked on in this manner ?

    I believe this is strictly a financial program to pay for the OPP SAVE program - they justify their existence by the volume of petty tickets they give out for failure to provide ins,, DL, Ownership 

    The Officer on the trail can see if the machine has a valid plate number and sticker, and trail pass. If not then there is justification to pull over the sled, OR if it is a RIDE check and the officer smells booze, as in an onroad vehicle check, then again justification. 

    The method now of creating line-ups of sleds to file through and pull out their "DOCUMENTS" is BS

    When I am finally not working and have some holiday time to enjoy the outdoors, I really don't need to be sitting in a "document check" lineup liek I am a criminal.


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