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Posts posted by Jet

  1. Ya I'm all done too. Too tired to keep up. Between hcs mod attacks and the not so nice welcomes here with certain members. Time to take the high road and hang it up. I'll be 45 on Monday. Old man needs to focus on being an old man!! And go home  good bye

    • Confused 2
  2. That dollar bill you carry in your wallet that men gave there all so you had the right to carry it. You better rethink the way you think. You don't have the right to rethink what was already thought

  3. Fact of the matter is, people who are living debt free are happiest, no ifs and or buts about it. Debt free=happiness=freedom=hapinesss=debtfree.

    it took me many life lessons to wrap this around my skull. But it finally sank in. Once you start living like a bad ass, you don't look back. You live happy

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  4. I can you guys one thing for sure when it comes to religion. My top friends, you could bet me millions of dollars what my top 5 friends believe and I couldn't tell you. It's never come up. I'm 45 and some of these guys go back over 3 decades. I honestly don't know, don't care. It's not even important. Non issue. My beliefs are strong, but it doesn't run my life

  5. i like diversivity in my life plus I think my kids are getting the best of both worlds. Mom doesn't think it is, dad does. Interesting enough I believe the children 1 boy 1 girl are taking the road to reason that therre is a higher power. Near as I can tell

  6. Debt free here!! I shouldn't be though, I should be in debt with a new sled in the garage!! I ran credit cards for many years then 5 years ago I got rid of them!! My wallets so empty I don't know why I carry it!! All that's in there is my fishing license, drivers license, health card, 1 debit card and a 20. It ridiculous, you know what though, I got that credit karma app, so I go and look at my scores and it's fun to see I owe nothing. That and I keep my paychecks to do what I want with and I've got the satisfaction of knowing if I want something I can get it!! 

  7. Back in 94 we actually all had baseball caps that said "screw the stud ban"

    i cant run stud the last 25 years because I use the Paul Bunyan to get to my trails. Plus for the last 20 years The road I live on involves me driving over a 1/4 mile on pavement to get across a damn bridge!! So when I leave my house I have to cross the bridge and when I return I cross the bridge, fuck man, I can't keep studs sharp!!! There fucking useless when they are dull, plus I learned I don't need them anyways. When I bought my 03 f7 it had a 1.375 track and I removed that and put on a 1 inch properly studded, that sled was boring with a inch studdded track, I put the 1.375 back on. My f10 had the cobra, then a 1.5 ripsaw, my turbo has a 1.25 ripsaw and for 3 seasons a 1.5 ripsaw and now I'm back to the 1.25, basically I've rode 24,000 miles with out studs.. no problems, I'm just really careful. 

    I might stud again if the Bunyan gets shutdown, the silent sport folks have more power in this state then people realize.

  8. I remember watching trains go down the Paul Bunyan, then for many years after the tracks were removed we rode dirt bikes,atv's and sleds on it. Then in 1993 the bicycle people announced they were paving it, this was the same year outlawed the use of motorized vehicles on the cuyuna iron range in favor of silent sports. Anyway they paved the trail, the trail was damaged, so they decided to sell a stud sticker and finally they banned studs on the trail. 

    Well this year the evidence of studs being ran on the trail is disturbing at the road crossings. We will see what damage is once the trail melts. The trail was very thin on snow all year. 

    Im just frightened to see what action is taken. I'm not a big fan of the trail other then it is useful in my area for getting from one trail to the next or getting home in a hurry. 

    also, there plenty of stay on trail signs on the Bunyan that were being completley ignored. 

    I've been thru so much trail closure with atv's and snowmobiles that I worry a lot about. 

    Remember, I'm 45 years old so my point of view on this stuff goes back to the 1970's. I know how it was and I've seen a lot of shit go down in this sport.

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