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Posts posted by Plissken

  1. 3 hours ago, HSR said:

    It's still a POS move and you know it but accept it because HSR is a meanie and picks on you poor grown men.

    Now be a hypocrite and run back to report all this on TBP in your Official Ben is a crybaby thread.

    You sure don't see threads dedicated to TBP here, why all the concern next door what goes on here?  

    Actually, we do have at least one thread here that is dedicated to TBP:


  2. 1 hour ago, ArcticCrusher said:

    So autism claims are up over 284% since what could it be.




    PIP recipients aren’t eligible to apply until they reach 16 years of age.  So if cases start climbing in 2020 then we need to look at what happened in the UK in 2004.  That is the year they banned indoor smoking.  Could that be what caused it?  I don’t know, I’m just asking questions.  

  3. 2 hours ago, ArcticCrusher said:

    Post the excess deaths by vax status.:lol:

    Go for it.



    There's no country in the world where the unvaxxed haven't died at higher rates Highest vaxxed countries correlate to the the lowest excess deaths. https://twitter.com/thereal_truthe… Highest vaxxed US states correlate to the lowest excess deaths. https://twitter.com/Truth_in_Numbehttp://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… Highest vaxxed US counties correlate to the lowest excess deaths. https://twitter.com/Truth_in_Numbe… Results from a study in Cyprus covering 2+ years. All excess deaths correlated to confirmed COVID-19 deaths. "There was no association between vaccination rates & all-cause mortality either overall or by age group, both in a short (8 weeks post-vaccination) and in a long (1 year post-vaccination) timeframe." http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… COVID-19 excess deaths in Eastern European countries associated with weaker regulation implementation and lower vaccination coverage "Excess mortality increased by 4.1 per 100 000 (P = 0.038) for every percentage decrease in vaccination rate." http://emro.who.int/emhj-volume-28… Comparison of vaccination and booster rates and their impact on excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in European countries "slow vaccination and booster administration was a major factor contributing to an order of magnitude higher excess mortality in “slower” European countries compared to more rapidly immunized countries." http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… Sweden has the lowest excess in Europe since vaccines. One of the highest 60+ booster rates in Europe. They are on the 6th dose currently & have negative excess for all of 2023. 18-44 were vaccinated at over 80% rates & have negative excess in 2021, 2022 & 2023. https://twitter.com/thereal_truthe… Since vaccines were available the highest vaxxed countries correlate to lowest excess in the most vaccinated/boosted age group, with Sweden leading all countries in Europe. 82% of 80+ & 75% of 65-79 in Sweden have 5+ doses. Clearly vaccines aren't causing excess deaths in 65+. https://twitter.com/thereal_truthe… Meanwhile Bulgaria, the lowest vaxxed country in Europe has the highest overall excess. Around 1% of Bulgaria has died in excess which is equivalent to 4 million dead Americans. Bulgaria’s excess rate is almost 3x their WW2 death rate, and about the same as the UK’s WW2 death rate. https://twitter.com/dobssi/status/http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… The vaccine indisputably reduced severe disease & hospitalizations. The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in reducing the incidence, hospitalization, and mortality from COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 54 worldwide studies: http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… A systematic review and meta-analysis of 58 worldwide studies: http://idpjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11… Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination in Preventing All-Cause Mortality (adjusts for all major confounders including age, health & healthy vaccine effect) http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… How about young & healthy? 97% of the US Military (~1.3 million) was fully vaccinated by 2022. No significant rise in mortality was seen since 2020 & a large drop occurred in 2022. https://twitter.com/thereal_truthe… The military hospitalization rate in 2021 was the 3rd lowest rate of the past decade. The hospitalization rate in 2022 was the lowest rate of the past decade. https://twitter.com/thereal_truthe


    • Like 3
  4. 20 minutes ago, ArcticCrusher said:


    What are the excess  deaths by vax status?

    Guthooked moron.:lol:

    Republicans had a 43% higher excess mortality rate than democrats after the introduction of the vaccine in what can only be described as the most ardent display of “owning the libs” ever witnessed.  

  5. 29 minutes ago, XCR1250 said:

    I ride my Bicycle almost everyday including today already, but I always get out of the way when a vehicle is coming, I'll even take the shoulder or opposite lane.

    When you’ve got animals aiming for you, filming it, and giggling “bump him, bump him”, all bets are off I guess.


    • Sad 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Highmark said:

    They were making a big deal before yesterday if he didn't garner over 50%.  He didn't even win Iowa in 2016....Rubio did. 

    I'd like to see the response of those same people now that he did take over 50%.  



  7. 22 minutes ago, XCR1250 said:

    My 1253 Lake Race class.

    XCR 1253 with new lightweight frontend 001.JPG

    FYI, you appear to be missing the clutch access plug, Polaris part # 5410344.  That could affect the aero, I’d at least put some black duct tape on there if nothing else.  

  8. 29 minutes ago, Highmark said:

    Missing the point...it's not just usage but load on the system at a given time.  His home usage is accurate as is his load.



    Maybe you should change the thread title to “How Much Power It Takes to Supercharge an EV” rather than energy.  These terms are not interchangeable.  

  9. 17 minutes ago, Voodoo said:

    Sure, but my figures were running load, that 23 amps.

    Probably a 3-5 x inrush. 

    Meaningless in an actual usage figure. 

    Watt.  Unit of energy

    No, a watt is a unit of power.  A watt is a Joule per second, where Joule is the unit of energy. 

    Killowatt or KW..     1000 watts, or think of is as 8.33 amps at 120 volts irrelevant to time.


    Kwh   Killowatt hour           the amount of energy used, in the above  120 volt circuit, drawing 8.33 amps for 1 hour



    Make sense now?

    Does what make sense?


    The Tesla charges are throwing hundreds of amps at 400 ish volts. 

    Impressive, but that's why the numbers are so big.

    Definitely a lot of power, agreed.  

    See comments above.  

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