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Posts posted by WildMann

  1. 1 minute ago, 1trailmaker said:

    weed is legal in Canada, you make no sense defending drug testing at will.


    Alcohol is only tested to see if you are impaired while driving since alcohol leaves the body with in hours....  You are free to drink your face off just not at work

    USA law (said while making retarded hand gestures)  Canada and the US are not the same country fucktard.  Damn you are such a stupid hack.  flailing around like a fish out of water.  :lol:

    The drug testing laws have been around before weed was legal.  There is no effective test for roadside weed and if you are going to smoke weed, you are not driving a truck into the US. Period.  

    Don't like it go protest there.   FFS   :lol:

  2. 2 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    so you are okay with drug testing against your will and for condition of employmet,  got it

    You have not right to smoke a legal drug at home if you drive a truck into USA 


    sounds fair to me, what rights are being refused here?  none 

    USA law.  Don't like it, go protest there.   

  3. 2 minutes ago, toslow said:

    I've learned not to bring myself down to the level of true idiots as it hurts to much. Trying to debate anything with fail is like that

    I am learning this.   He just keeps going in circles and getting more and more out to the fringe.   :lol:

  4. 4 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    and exactly how does testing for pot 3 weeks ago stop this?  

    YOu are defending a medical force procedure to be able to work


    by the Way only going to USA are drivers tested or if the company does cross border travel - they are force to test drivers or they can not enter usa ever.

    Canadian only truckers are not tested - so what is you point here, truckers are pot smoking drivers


    Just pointing out how ridiculous this is 

    No actually it is a law by the USA and enforced by the USA. I believe there are still states that have a 20 year term on possessing weed.  


    Up until very recently the USA treated weed like a drug.  Cause it is a drug.  SO is alcohol, so is nicotine.  At one point, you went to jail for possessing alcohol. 

  5. Freedom and what you are trying to base your argument on are obviously two completely different entities.  What you are talking about is anarchy.  I am talking about freedom.  They are not one in the same.   Although anarchy comes with massive freedom, the idiots like you would not police themselves cause they have no self control. 

  6. Just now, 1trailmaker said:

    :lol:  okay

    This RIGHT means nothing 

    fuck how stupid....


    You can't pass into USA without submitting to drug tests at will - this isn't wrong it is keeping us safe says wildmann



    Do you know how many cars I follow on the road that are smoking pot and driving?  You can smell it.   Why don't we legalized coke and heroin too, then why not have the right to snort or shoot up while driving.  You're sliding off the cliff dumbass.  My right to choose not to take a simple flu shot should not be compared to some pothead who wants to smoke his brains out while driving down the road.   Fuck are you stupid.  

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    lol Ya getting wound up :lol:  


    I have you link running and nothing is being said, sad really

    Who is link running?  I am sitting here waiting for you to say the next stupid thing so I can put my boot down your throat.  I lost my Wildbitch, and needed some fun.   Right Polaris550?

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, 1trailmaker said:

    you are tested to see if you ever smoked pot, pot will appear on tests for month after a joint.

    These people are FIRED for smoking a joint at the cottage 2 weeks ago.

    There is no test for impairment for Pot and most pill drugs, only if you ever took them....

    In Canada it isn't legal to test employees unless you are a trucker going to USA or some rare job.



    nobody is tested (although police and fire is tested once and only once) 


    Again try education on the subject, I already proved this to TOOSLOW 


    but Ya our rights our rights is laughable 

    People who smoke pot at the cottage may also smoke pot in a truck.  Like you they believe pot isn't that bad, it's only a weed.  Get off the dope man.  

  9. 1 minute ago, 1trailmaker said:

    I said I get the I hate Trudeau seems like that is all it is.  big deal

    not one word so far about Doug Ford's lockdown - :dunno:  nothing not one word seems odd


    meanwhile they take drug tests to enter the states :lol:  My RIGHT my RIGHTs too funny


    Drug test = Driving under the influence.  Vaccination papers = Well, what does that equal?    Can still have the flu with full vax, can still spread the flu by touching door handles, no guarantee that the vax does anything significant. HMMMMM  not hard to figure out your arguments are as full of holes as your own brain. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    speaker asked for those hanging upsidedown flags to fix it, mean while the other dumb ass conmended the flag on Terry fox up sidedown


    We are not leaving until you are free


    wow didn't know I couldn't see my friends




    Is that what freedom is to you?  Seeing your friends?   What kind of idiot are you?  Another serious question.  

    • Haha 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    good link the guy talking right now, said we have the right to fuck with Terry Fox statue as he would be all for this protest,


    Apparently Alberta is a 3rd world country right out of this guys mouth (although he said it was trudeau fault)


    live feed


    CBC is fake news.  Liberal paid monkeys. Funny seeing them go from conservative to what they are now. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:


    all world governments are lying and being told what to do by Trudeau.

    all worldwide scientist are lying

    all medical doctors worldwide are lying

    Not as bad as Spanish flu

    This is just a flu

    If we elected Erin O'toole we wouldn't have any virus or restrictions 


    These Truckers are telling the truth and must smarter than any medical scientist 


    Is it freedom to not wear a mask while shopping?   maybe you should check out what fighting for freedoms is really like and what NOT having any freedom is like-  Clearly you dn't live in Canada where you have freedom to Protest :lol: 

    But you are not allowed this freedom, oh wait



    Are you that stupid, or are you acting?  Serious question.  It's the Who that is leading the rhetoric. The world health organization.  They are calling the shots and the governments, although not all governments are taking their pill.  


    We, the people that are pushing back, are saying to Trudeau that we will not participate any longer, and that he should change direction.  Do you not get this?   

  13. 2 minutes ago, toslow said:

    What a wonderful site to see Canadians standing up for things they believe in, No matter what government is in power. Canadians should have the right to choose 

    Yeah it is awesome to see, I just watched the video of the trucks that are being moved to the parkway, because the city is gridlocked and EMS cannot even get through.   Because Fail has never been to this city, he has no idea what he is looking at.  Doesn't realize that the whole street that is shrouded in shadow and buildings is so full it's not funny.  They have compared it to Canada day levels of people.   Canada Day in January.  

  14. 1 minute ago, 1trailmaker said:

    you vote the same way every election, you GIVE YOUR VOTE AWAY WITH EASE don't pretend you have ever voted anything other the CPC


    I would stop with the NAZI comments on your posts, it isn't very nice or smart.  


    Trudeau will be doing this soon according to WildMann




    Again with the twisting of words.  Trudy is taking away our freedoms, making laws to be able to take more power. AT no time did I say Sock boy is coming to kill us.  The nazi movement takes time.  If us free citizens don't stand up for our freedoms, they will be taken away.  This is a fucking flu.   Not even as bad as the 1917 flu, yet all you uneducated sheep just muddle along in your little lives, thinking everything is unicorns and rainbows.  Well fuck your opinion.  That's my opinion.  

    Educate yourself.   




    • Like 1
  15. Just now, 1trailmaker said:

    Yes they did matter of fact they executed member's of the government -  don't talk to me about Nazi you are not educated on the subject.   More like a denier 


    anyway now you are saying soon Trudeau will be executing non vaxed since it didn't start that way

    I am more educated on the facts than you are. It's quite obvious.  You on the other hand like to twist words to match your rhetoric.  It really shows your lack of intelligence. 


    1 minute ago, 1trailmaker said:

    If you don;t wear on good for you, I hope you hassle young employees doing their job  Maybe call them names and things like you do here on the net.   

    When you vote for Doug Ford this June will you be showing your support or doing it in shame?  fucking funny you guys thinking you vote for THE RIGHT

    Maybe I spit on my hands and touch all the door handles too.   You fucking don't know me and you can't even attempt to know me shit stain.  I will vote for the best person to move this country forward as opposed to destroying it.  

  16. 1 minute ago, 1trailmaker said:

    Trudeau will so be killing unvaxed?  you are some kind of dumb  NAZI kill people at will :dunno: 


    8% of the population isn't vaxed you are a small minority causing a lot of grief 

    Where did I say Trudeau will be killing unvaxxed?   DO you fucking realize the nazi's didn't kill people at the beginning?  Educate yourself you moronic fuck.  Hitler was very popular, he won his election by a landslide.  Everyone was on his side.  Till the world woke up.   Wake the fuck up troglodyte.

  17. 5 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    okay so you claim 50 000 trucks in Ottawa?  and Trudeau has ordered all media to delete anything to the contrary 


    nothing can be said - live feed tells a different story

    OH now it's 50,000 trucks?  was 10,000 a minute ago.   I see how you work.  

  18. 1 minute ago, 1trailmaker said:

    You are comparing wearing a mask in a store to having twins having their eyes ripped out and traded to see if it will work.




    WEARING A MASK IS NOT NAZI - what an insult to every VET and more so JEW




    but You are claiming yourself as a True Canadian -   go dance on the grave of unknown soldiers 



    Listen latex lips.  It's you that doesn't have a clue.  I support our vets fighting for our freedoms that you take for granted.  Prewar Nazi germany shaped up just like the things going on now. segregation of unvaxxed, segregation and if they are not stopped, fines, jail ummm what else have you nazi's brought to the table?   

    The shot is a farce, nobody alive can say that the shot saved their life. The virus does not have a 100% mortality, it doesn't even have a 25% mortality.  lets revisit the actual number?   If the shot saves people then I should be dead. I have gone two and a half years now, no shots, no staying at home.    Freedom is the right to choose.  Fuck you for trying to take our freedom. 

    • Like 2
  19. 5 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    Show me FOX news coverage of this convoy in the USA - they love this shit should be real easy to find 


    2 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    I saw the meme 10000 truck convoy heading to Ottawa,  which reminds me where the 100km long convoy disappeared to entered Ontario?


    You are being played

    I have seen the trucks in person.  They were driving by on the highway for two days.  You are being played.  

  20. Just now, 1trailmaker said:



    Where are these American truckers?  sorry American's don't fly Canadian flags, like  last summer they come wave American flags and Trump flags 


    Where is this convoy passing the border?  oh wait Trudeau stopped them right

    It's support for Canada you troglodyte.   FFS  go take your shot and hopefully your heart explodes.  :lol:

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