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Everything posted by revrnd

  1. Just bookmark this link: http://www.sleddersworld.com/departments/ontarioDB/
  2. Added the Town & Country Motel in Pembroke.
  3. A co-worker befriended a girl down there. When he used to go down there he'd take extra toiletries & give them to her. Toothpaste, soap & other items that most of us take for granted. He said when he gave her the stuff she lit up like a kid @ Christmas.
  4. To put this number in perspective: General Motors will spend US$877 million to build a new body shop and assembly equipment at its Flint Truck Assembly plant. (From the Detroit Free Press. The new paint shop in Oshawa (visible from the 401) was a CDN$500 million investment when it was built in the 2000s. Just recently Fiat Chrysler announced they will spend CDN$325 million to refurbish the paint shop in Brampton. Any trade is good, but I wouldn't say that Cuba's trade is significant to the Canadian economy.
  5. That's the figure Stephen LeDrew gave as the wage. I wasn't sure if that was just a figure he was pulling out of thin air. W/ an income like that they'll be lining up to buy machinery & cereal from Canada.
  6. So if Harper did it, it's OK for Justin? I thought voting for Justin and the Liberals in 2015 was a vote for "change"? Just saw on the CBC that the jetsetter is off to Liberia and Madagascar next week. Is Princess Sophie going to those tourist hotspots too?
  7. Seeing as PET created Petrocanada & JT is so fond of China & Cuba, I wonder if he has plans for nationalizing an industry? Friends & co-workers have gone there & say that once you get away from the resorts, the place is a shit hole. Talk to people & they are very guarded in what they say. What is the average salary in Cuba? Is there a Cuban market for consumer goods made in Canada? Maybe someone should start making knock off parts for '55 Chevs? So he didn't get to see his father's buddy, but got to speak to some (probably) like-minded university students. what a waste of money. I wonder if this was a chance for Sophie to visit Cuba for the 1st time? Finally, I wonder if there are any stats comparing how much time Harper spent out of the country compared to JT? I seem to recall JT's attendance record while an MP wasn't that great.
  8. If the media didn't scare helicopter parents into thinking there's a child molester behind every tree, maybe kids would get to play outside. The culture of driving kids to & from to school is ridiculous. The side street across the nearest school to me had cars parked on both sides @ 3 PM w/ parents waiting to pick up the rug rats. I went to the same school & we since most families @ the time, you were lucky if you got the occasional ride.
  9. http://www.torontosun.com/2016/11/16/canadian-kids-among-least-active-in-the-world-participaction-study Now there's something to be proud of.
  10. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Canadian voters are thankful of that. Taking a page out of the deflection handbook written by Premier Dad & Seabiscuit.
  11. http://www.cp24.com/news/serbia-supports-canada-on-un-security-council-says-kosovo-war-is-in-the-past-1.3162841 Boy that's quite an endorsement.
  12. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/plan-for-muslim-only-suburb-in-montreal-is-discrimination-quebec-premier-says So do Muslim values override Canadian values? Buddy, drunk driving is covered by the Criminal Code, no law that I can think of saying a woman or man (hey it's 2016) can't go around wearing a halter top & shorts. Besides toplessness isn't illegal either. In 24 hours the 3 main political parties in Quebec denounced it. I wonder what the Muslim apologists (read our beloved PM & the CBC) think of this idea?
  13. The place runs itself despite the asshats at the top. Before the last municipal election everyone wondered about the unknown challenger to the incumbent. Talking to a fellow sledder in another township about the upcoming elections. I wondered if the challenger had an ulterior motive or why else would he be running. The other sledder gave an example of a candidate in his township. That person was only running because he had landlocked property adjacent to an unopened road allowance. Fast forward to the challenger's visit to the house. He introduced himself and gave us his spiel. I asked him point blank what was his angle. He said he had no angle, he was running as a concerned taxpayer and was concerned how money was being pissed away (not his words). Since his election 2 high placed employees have been terminated & a new CAO has been hired. I'm not sure what happened to the previous CAO. Some people seem to think Justine has some unknown ability never before possessed to solve the country's problems. I remember when the Liberals picked him to be their leader. He had been an MP for 5 years. " While Trudeau was seen as a frontrunner for the leadership of the Liberal Party, he was criticized for his perceived lack of substance " Pundits said @ the time that the Liberals were throwing a hail mary & hoping his last name would help. For someone to say, "budgets will balance themselves" just shows how out of touch he is w/ reality. Anyone who believed that is as dumb as he is.
  14. I think we've ranked in the top 10 as a good place to live over the years regardless of who is in office. Mind you some people freak out if we drop a spot & Finland is better than us.
  15. http://www.mykawartha.com/news-story/6967607-manitoba-reserve-needs-pm-to-intervene-chief/ I wonder what the First Nations of Canada think of him jetting off on a weekly basis?
  16. I can't see us faring any better w/ the current crop. Just keep Freeland land away from the table. Coming up are the softwood lumber talks. We get screwed on that front every time.
  17. Well after a year of his & his flunkies' bullshit I can't see how anyone could see it any other way. Their deficit projections have been a joke, food bank usage has continued to increase even after bad old Stevie left, yet he continues to jet around w/o a care in the world hoping for a seat on the UN's Security Council. Plus a carbon tax and his climate change plan which he is imposing on the provinces. How will any of this help the average Canuck?
  18. I checked the site, looks like a legitimate news source SMH. "Rihanna spotted in Vancouver filming for Bates Motel (PHOTOS)" "First flakes fly at Cypress Mountain Resort (PHOTO)" "Bruno Mars 2017 world tour stops in Montreal" "Ivanka Trump shoes dropped from Shoes.com" List was released back in Jan'. I'm surprised we didn't hear about it back then.
  19. What's the criteria, you just posted a list. I don't think I've ever seen a list of countries w/ Germany @ the #1 spot.
  20. She got ripped over singing @ an event commemorating MLK, now this torture. Channeling Linda McCartney perhaps? Seeing as everyone always defends the Trudumbs' bad behaviour by deflecting to what Harper did, I'll post this: http://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/laureen-harper-missed-by-charities Sophie says she gets ALL of these invitations for public speaking, but does she actually get her hands dirty & do anything?
  21. Mrs Trudeau is getting coverage today on her butchering of Leaving on a Jet Plane. I'll let you guys Google it, since it was bad enough seeing it on TV.
  22. PM Snowflake is in Toronto today to try to convince institutional invest to put their money into proposed infrastructure projects. I wonder if a Q & A will follow?
  23. You think she's an idiot? Read this from Wiki': Mind you she probably typifies the smug "elites" that Kelly Leitch rails about. The elites that figured Hillary had the US election in the bag & are completely shocked that Trump won. Just another person completely out of touch w/ the average person on the street. Again from Wiki':
  24. Is Chrystia Freeland going to be involved in the talks if The Donald tears up NAFTA? The Walloons had her in tears, I can't see her faring well w/ the Americans.
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