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Posts posted by racer254

  1. 33 minutes ago, 1jkw said:

    I never said the Obama economy is better than it was under Reagan.

    Reagan tripled the debt, and was the first pres. to out spend all others put together.

    Reagan didn't deal with 2 wars and the worst economic times since the depression, nor were the effects of off shoring and trade deals in place while he was pres.

    Can you give us the actual numbers for each president back to FDR?


    And you want to put another clinton in office?

  2. 15 minutes ago, 1jkw said:

    Obama is not the first president to out spend all others it was Reagan then W and now Obama.

    Obama has cut the deficit, he will also double or nearly double the debt just like W did but not triple it like Reagan did.

    Unemployment  has been measured by the same method since Reagan and is always higher than the quote real unemployment rate.

    Where I live in NEPA from 07 to 09 there were no jobs either and businesses closed now not only are they reopened many have expanded and it is very difficult to hire anyone.

    Who taught you about presidents and spending?

  3. 9 minutes ago, 1jkw said:

    No, you use any sight you see fit. If you don't want to fine, I'm not playing your little game of not answering and laughing at the source of the info.


    So are things better now in Obama's seventh year than they were in Bush's seventh?

    What states people are most  get the most federal assistance red or blue?

    Again, you fall for the bull shit.  You want to say that conservative states get more in federal assistance?  Please, list a specific state and list the federal assistance they get.  Then we can have another discussion about it.  It is a proven fact that democrats have ruined places like detroit.

  4. 22 minutes ago, 1jkw said:

    Compare where we are now to when we were seven years into Bush's  term.

    How hard is it for you to just look up the issues that are caused by 50 years of democrats?  Take a good look at detroit or any other entity that has been run by democrats.  You don't have to speculate, The stats are there.  Democrat policies ruin societyl

  5. 6 minutes ago, Zambroski said:

    You mean at the end of an economic upswing and the chaos created by Fannie Mae and Freddic Mac?  Both Democratic institutions forced down America's throat with legislation forced through by Democrats leading us into the largest housing implosion in history?  Just wanna make sure I understand.

    Maybe we should elect another clinton.   FFS the liberals of this country can screw up a wet dream.

  6. 19 minutes ago, SnowRider said:

    Who was his father? :lol:. Have you ever considered whar race he identifies with? :lmao:

    Doe Dumber never disappoints :bc: 

    The race he identifies with.  OMG. 

    And next are we going to be talking about the gender school kids identify with?  Oh never mind.


  7. 1 hour ago, Sludgey said:

    The inevitable "war on women" card that the dems play to the mindless 

    It is getting worn out.  You can tell, because it isn't working any longer.  Most of the attacks that the leftovers are using on trump are not working.  Maybe the american voters are starting to see what problems the left causes.  Detroit, et all.

  8. So I was talking to a friend who has 2 adopted children.  One of them had to wait 2 months longer to get his DL because the adoption papers were a little messed up.

    Yet an illegal can go in and get one on the spot?  If this is true, it is pathetic.

    Capt.  Storm, I feel for you.  Politicians who do more for non-citizens in this country are a problem.

  9. 5 minutes ago, jtssrx said:

    I want to show you what a loser you are. This forum has been up for what a few days. I have 15 posts. You have 115, your life revolves around being a troll on a snowmobile web site. all of your posts are filled with insults and emojis. You get off on being a troll 

    With voters like him, it is no wonder we have people who want to get rid of the washington establishment.  He has no clue on the basics of the 3 branches of government or cares about following laws.

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