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Posts posted by Sksman

  1. Holly fuck are you really that stupid.  

    We have a 20+ billion deficit and you act like Trudeau is some great genius.

    He is robbing Peter to pay Paul.   Ask your kids if they think paying an extra 20% in taxes in the next 10 years is worth the shit you think is free.

    Fuck you prove the point you can’t teach a stupid dogs tricks!

  2. 46 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    Dude he brought OAS back to 65 years old from 67 = 15k in my pocket thanks

    CPP isn't even a topic

    get with it 

    Dude if Trudeau gives you a penny he is taking it from someone else!

    Oh that’s right you still believe carbon tax is revenue neutral and 80% of households will get more then they pay.

    Dont worryFail, the unicorn farms are coming too.   Justin for king of the little people!

  3. 32 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    MEME's from the RIGHT :lol:  they do'nt need to be true

    Here Trudeau has given 15k back to Pensioners :lol:  

    So Is ANDREW going to give Millions to Pensioners :dunno:  not sure how these meme's for the  uneducated work


    Trudeau isn’t giving shit to anyone.

    $15,000 increase is not from Trudeau idiot!   It’s from increased payroll deductions starting this year but the max benefit an increase of $15,000 will be for those retiring after 2045 or something like that 


    You will not be getting $15,000 extra but keep breaking off like the trained seal union hack 

  4. 8 hours ago, Muskoka1 said:

    All based on borrowed $-as long as it's someone else's it's OK!


      Failmaker thinks it’s great to spend like a drunken teenagers at a strip club for first time with a new first credit cards.

    Then the responsible adults have to come in and cancel the credit cards and then when the payments start at inflated interest rates no one likes it.  And they all complain.  Look at what rotten Scheer wants to do.  Cut the deficit  The audacity of living by a budget and within ones means.

    Yet Fail still believes Carbon tax is all about saving the planet.  It’s all about hiding money from voters to spend more on pandering.


    Make Justin Trudeau a drama teacher again.  Owe wait he is one now just on a bigger stage.

  5. 3 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

    I know "Art of the Deal" :lol: 


    She is very smart and knows more about International trade than most anyone in Canada - find better and post their name 

    Like you would know who is smart with your one way glasses.

    Have another hit on your bong.  

  6. 1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

    I never exected a balanced budget and certainly not after the HARPER GOVERNMENT left him 10 billion deficit he lied about (deferred) 


    Anyone that says yes BALANCED on this date is a dreamer and trying to get votes from the uneducated - its proven balanced budgets just don't happen often

    JT promised deficits under $10b and a balanced budget.  Many Canadians believed him.

  7. 1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

    I never exected a balanced budget and certainly not after the HARPER GOVERNMENT left him 10 billion deficit he lied about (deferred) 


    Anyone that says yes BALANCED on this date is a dreamer and trying to get votes from the uneducated - its proven balanced budgets just don't happen often

    Fail you are such a one way.

    Funny How in your book Conservatives are always lying about deficit but golden boy is to be believed. Especially when he makes wonderful statements such as budgets balance themselves. 

  8. On 5/3/2019 at 9:15 AM, Tommy said:

    our larson bowrider is going to need a new starter motor in the next few weeks. Sitting in the boat house on muskoka with the hull plugs out

    How high was the water?

  9. 22 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

    ???  I thought Wynne was gone :dunno:  the cancellation has cost the tax payers billions so far


    DOUG TURNED DOWN A DEAL FOR CHEAPER HYDRO - what does that have to do with WYNNE oneway? 

    Doug turned down a deal to buy cheaper hydro because we already dump hydro at a loss to the USA as we over generate now.

    Should Doug have signed on for more power?

    Dump more excess power at a bigger loss?

    Should Doug cancel the contracts in place?  Just close down our nuclear power?


    Should Ontario sign on to a power deal with Quebec and then be held  hostage once we are dependant on Quebec power as NFLD was for years?  


    Funny Fail you are such a union hack.  Anything Ford does is bad.  

    Face it Ford has a plan to eliminate the deficit responsibly and you don’t like it so always spout off with your no plan bs.  Just because you don’t like his plan doesn’t mean there isn’t one.


  10. 11 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

    I have yet to hear any PLAN or PLATFORM so unlike you ONEWAY who votes with eyes and ears closed (sad IRV)  I can't say unilt I hear from Andrew and so far all I hear is SNC Trudeau was unfair to a women blah blah blah 


    Platform then chose your vote 


    If its we will take your OAS to 67 again - you lose my vote 

    Where is Trudeau’s platform?   Or plan for the economy?


    Come on Fail.  Post it up!


    Budgets Balance themselves

    Small deficits in years 1-3 and Balanced budget in year 4


    All proven to be bullshit but legal pot so you gush and croon that your little boy crush JT is best ever.


  11. 15 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

    I have a feeling this will become the norm and will never have good leadership ever again....

    Who is going  to stand up to take the shit that is today?  attention getter's maybe 


    either way our economy can only go one way now, we are peaking now so enjoy the down fall coming 


    Where is Trudeau’s wonderful plan to keep our economy strong?


  12. 8 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

    Liberals inherited a 6 billion deficit from Harris/Eves - within 2 years they were balanced until the recession hit after that we built the strongest middle class in the world 


    Doug was  left 6 billion deficit 


    I really don't see what you are talking about :dunno: 

    Poor Fail still trying to praise his hero Wynne.

    Fail, Maybe you are right the OPSEU pension fund is an asset as Wynne claimed and Ford should use it to pander to social justice hero’s.  Or just cash in the asset.  


  13. 14 hours ago, Muskoka1 said:

    I live on Lake Muskoka-centralized bureaucratic operation of dams out of Queen's Park compared to local control that worked well for decades-Wynne started that!

    Sorry Muskoka 1 its all Fords fault.  Ask Fail. He will confirm.

    If Ford did what he needs to do and cut the public work force by 25% then you would hear Fail really cry.

    Meanwhile Ford tries to bring in controlled fiscal policy moves to reduce the yearly deficit and Fail cries.


    Fail offer up some thoughtful insight what Ford can do to eliminate the deficit?


    And Fail for years I have said if the public sector found efficiencies and became 15-20% more productive then there would be no need to cut people and the reduction in workforce to a manageable burden on society could be achieved through attrition.


  14. 3 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    How did the guy get in if he was held up due to Trudeau being there :lol:   

    Any angry person against Trudeau you guys the the cock suck or clit rub :lol: 


    too funny lets switch topics to his jet trip to BC 

    Get a grip on reality Fail.

    Trudeau does nothing for this country but take selfies and photo ops.  He is useless.

    The last 2 weeks he has flown back and forth across Canada and then all around Ontario and Quebec.   What about carbon footprint and doing his part?

    Oh yeah he did his part tax us while he runs up the big government travel bill.

    And yes he had to travel to Quebec to fill sand bags for photo op.  Pathetic individual.


    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

    what a complete douche bag that guy is,  Trudeau handled himself well as most would not have even given him second thought.

    That is right dick wad when the PM is somewhere we have security - get a fucking clue 


    It other posts I see WHERE IS TRUDEAU -

    Trudeau is the douche.  Delays sand bag pick up for people trying to save their houses for a photo op.

    I love his i was filling sand bags.  Yeah right probably 3 bags.  Notice he wasn’t dirty!

    Trudeau needs to stay in Ottawa and work instead of campaigning and globe trotting.

    • Like 1
  16. Read article this week as furl price hit $1.75/ litre in B.C. even NDP crying about carbon tax.  

    $.50/litre cheaper for gas in Seattle.  


    Carbon Tax is history in Canada.  BC emissions have not dropped.  They never will.   


    Go Ford.  

  17. 9 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

    As long as Andrew keeps bringing up shit it will go on until the election.   How many guilty is the question 

    So just let the laws of Canada be broken?   And ethics be damned?

    Justin the dictator rules?


    Boy Fail you really are clueless.  

  18. 14 hours ago, 1trailmaker said:

    Interesting view on record employment and good economy at least up until now :dunno:  


    Economy hasn't been this good in a very long time there is no denying it, sure its slowing and so is the worlds economy 


    Failmaker sees things only through his union shaded glasses engulfed in pot haze.

    Meanwhile in the real world......

  19. 1 hour ago, 1trailmaker said:

    Thought we didn't like partisan ads with out tax dollars - oh that is right only when it suits you

    kind of sad DOUG picking on STATION OWNERS with threats of 10k a day for not following his rule of law.  

    And the SHEEP CHEER 


    Although the 14.7% tax is wrong in this statement they meant well lol

    its 14.7 cents per litre 

    So imposing a carbon tax on everyone that does nothing to lower emissions is perfectly okay?

    I guess as long as there is more tax payers raped that’s okay.


    Race to the bottom and 3rd world existence under Trudeau and knuckleheads and union luckiest like Failmaker cheer.

  20. 39 minutes ago, 1trailmaker said:

    so you are okay with 1.5% reduction in taxes for middle class :dunno: 

    adding 15k for all new seniors up and coming - you okay with that :dunno: 


    You speak of middle class yet cheer huge tax breaks for the extreme wealthy - strange 


    We could go backwards under Scheer

    Add 1.5% back to middle class taxes (since the ONEWAYS claim this to be an increase by Trudeau) 

    take 15k away from seniors 



    You smoking weed or crack now?

    Trudeau did not give my parents each $15,000 per year.

    Only a union sheep would profess such nonsense.  


    The unions and NDP started bad mouthing Ford and making wild predictions as soon as his name went on the ballot.

    And so far he has not made the cuts or firings predicted by the Unions or NDP but they keep crying out.  All fake bs!

  21. So now Justin is getting ready to RE-approve the Transmountain pipeline in June.

    Now taxpayers will have to pay for the pipeline to be built in an election year.


    Thanks Justin for spending taxpayer dollars on a project private industry was more then willing to fund.

    Most useless Prime Minister ever Justin Trudeau!

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