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Mileage Psycho

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Posts posted by Mileage Psycho

  1. 3 minutes ago, Zambroski said:

    Prolly for bugs.

    I don’t fuck around when I have something to do....and I always have some Th bong to do.  Waiting on some retards that are completely oblivious to anybody but themselves is something I don’t let get in the way.  I’m sure you wait at the end of the isle for it to clear out though.  Or do you scale over the shelves to make sure you keep the 6 foot distance?  :lol:


    A couple weeks ago in Meijer it was like a Mexican hat dance in one of the aisles with no one sure where to go, I looked at the one guy coming my way and I put my arms up like I was doing an exorcism, we both just started laughing.

  2. 20 minutes ago, jammin said:

    My opinion is not a thing. They've always been that person and will continue to be pandemic or not.  Saw a guy on a motorcycle yesterday wearing a mask and thought that was a bit extreme. 

    I've been riding to work and for pleasure whenever the weather gives me the opportunity, when wearing my motocross helmet I do think about someone in the cars in front of me letting a lugie fly out the window :lol::puke:

  3. 21 hours ago, Zambroski said:

    Yes, it is....and that wasn't your question.  Who am I "reaching over"?  I still respect peoples space..always have.  And I do now even more.  But, within reason.  I'm not waiting for somebody wearing a mask to exit an isle before I go down it and I'm not giving them all the time they need to stand in front of the product I want.  I'm going to say, "excuse me" reach in and grab it.  If they have a problem with that...it's theirs...and they can stay the fuck home if they are that selfish themselves.  Their time IS NOT more valuable than anybody else's.

    Of course not, you have important posting to get after :lol: :bc:

    21 hours ago, ckf said:

    That's great that you will respect other people's space while out in public. Not everyone does.  Just about every time Nicole has gone shopping someone has invaded her space to grab something. I  know it sucks, but sometimes we make rules / laws because there are people out there that are that stupid.


    20 hours ago, Zambroski said:

    There's no reason to be a dickhead while out in public and not do the decent things we should always do. I respect other's privacy, space and now their fears.  I stand on the little social distance "x"s while in line too.  There's no reason to be a jerk....on both sides.  Some can't help it though.  I'd have just as big of a problem of some ass wipe walking around in people's space and coughing out loud right now as I would somebody trying to chastise me for not wearing a mask.  There's a line.

    I was in Costco Monday morning 95% of the people were wearing a mask, the people who didn't were either elderly or mouthbreathers, coming down the aisle at me is a 70 something woman with no mask and she's she's damn near hacking up pieces of lung tissue.....I did an about face :lol:

    20 hours ago, ckf said:

    Again, I'm glad to hear that you respect others space. What can be done for the ones that don't?  It would be awfully hard to enforce social distancing in a grocery store. Would you agree on that point?

    As of yesterday we have to wear a mask in public when social distancing isn't possible, and you must wear one when inside a store.

    15 hours ago, AKIQPilot said:

    True. As mentioned, in the case laid out by the OP I would wear a mask. And if Im infected a mask will only be partially effective in preventing me from passing on the virus to the person I’m caring for. Especially if I’m asymptomatic.  A mask is only one of many precautions I must take to prevent the spread to someone Im caring for. 

    If Im not infected a mask does nothing to prevent the spread. 

    A mask can protect you from the aerosolized vapor that someone else is exhaling.

  4. Fox News again :lol:


    FOX News

    I believe Joe Biden

    Leslie Marshall
    2 hrs ago

    Former Vice President and now presumptive Democratic 2020 Presidential nominee Joe Biden has been accused by Tara Reade, a former staff assistant who worked in the then Senator’s office 27 years ago, of sexual assault.  And in an interview Friday morning with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, Biden says he is innocent, “No, it never happened, unequivocally.”

    I believe him and here's why.

    First, I know that because of the title of this op-ed that there will be those of you who assume that because I am a Democrat I simply wouldn’t believe any woman who has made an accusation against a Democratic political figure. That is just not true.

    I have believed some of the accusations made against former Minnesota Democratic Senator Al Franken and former Democratic President Bill Clinton.

    I also know some of you might say I’m a hypocrite because I believed then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Christine Blasey Ford. I know some readers will assume it’s because she was making her claims against a then soon-to-be conservative Supreme Court Justice.  But that simply isn’t true, because I did not believe the other Kavanaugh accusers.

    I am a woman, a feminist and the mother of a pre-teen girl, who knows that there are differences between rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment. Sadly, I have been the victim of all three.

    I, like the former Vice President, believe that when a woman comes forward with claims of sexual misconduct against anyone, you believe her; but then you investigate, you go through a vetting process to find the truth.

    The overwhelming majority of victim’s claims are true, according to OurResilience.org approximately 2-8 percent are not.

    Biden said his interview on Friday morning, "the truth matters." And that is what I also believe.

    So why did I believe Blasey Ford but not Reade?

    I will explain here in this article. But I will not be writing a comparison between the two cases.

    No two cases nor accusations are alike. And this situation is no exception.

    First, we must look at a few things aside from my opinion.

    In 2016, President Trump, who himself has a long list of accusations against him, brought in some of former President Clinton’s accusers to sit in on a debate when he was running against Hillary Clinton, the wife of the former president.  And certainly team Trump would be happy to have this claim by Reade as a distraction during this upcoming presidential campaign.

    But President Trump hasn’t harped on this. He has said that Joe Biden must answer this claim and now Joe Biden has done so on national television.

    But why didn’t Trump attack Biden with this like he did Hillary with her husband’s claims? Or weigh in on this topic more? When Blasey Ford made the claims against Brett Kavanaugh, Trump mocked her publicly. And why have all of the media been timid about this?

    I know why. It’s because Tara Reade is not a credible witness.

    The reasons Reade is not credible play into my lack of belief in her accusation.

    First, there are inconsistencies.

    A year ago Tara Reade told a reporter that when she was a staff assistant in 1993, she said that Biden touched her shoulder and neck in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.

    Last month that story changed to Biden sticking his hand under her skirt and forcibly penetrating her with his fingers.

    It takes a lot to come forward; so why would she then change her accusation a year later?

    Reade claims she made a complaint to the Senate personnel office at the time. No one has currently been able to find that complaint. And although Reade kept copies of her employment records from that time, she didn’t keep a copy of that complaint?

    Additionally, no former staffer can corroborate her claim. No one from the staff at that time is aware of any complaint including the three people she listed by name: Marianne Baker, Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman. All three said she made no complaint to them as she claims.

    Her brother changed his story; adding after the fact details that Reade had also added after the fact.

    She claims to have told her therapist yet will not make those notes available to the Washington Post, which asked to see them, or the American public.

    But perhaps for me, the two biggest reasons I question the authenticity of this accusation are:

    Reade cannot remember the date, time or exact location of the incident. She has only said that she was delivering a gym bag to Biden somewhere in the Capitol area, according to the Washington Post.

    As I mentioned earlier in this piece; I have been the victim of rape, assault and harassment. Although I wish I could push these memories out of my mind, I cannot. I remember nearly every detail.

    I can understand someone not remembering the date or the day of the week or perhaps the exact time; but the location?  I am sorry. I, and most victims I know or have spoken with, remember the location vividly as that terrible nightmare replays in our minds over and over and over throughout the years.

    Reade praised her alleged assaulter. She publicly praised Biden for his work on the Violence Against Women Act. And she did this not just once but on multiple occasions.  She retweeted, liked, even praised him for his work combatting sexual assault; the very thing she now accuses him of.

    Of Biden, Reade said: “My old boss speaks truth, listen.”

    Praise?!?!?  As a victim, I would never praise my attackers.  What I would like to do to them is something straight out of a scene from "The Sopranos," but certainly not praise.

    Former Vice President Biden has requested that the National Archives release any record they have of Reade’s claim, “put it out” he said.

    I agree, if the truth is truly what we’re after.




    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Zambroski said:

    That's only when he isn't receiving any though.  :lol: 

    Slinger; "I give to charity by the taxes I pay."  Priceless!!!!

    Nice.  Take that bad ass sounding truck to vote Trumpy in 2020!!!!!!  :lol: 



    Super highways coast to coast just easy to get anywhere
    On the trans continental overload; just slide behind the wheel
    How does it feel when there's no destination that's too far
    And somewhere on the way you might find out who you are?
    Living in America, eye to eye, station to station
    Living in America, hand to hand across the nation
    Living in America, got to have a celebration!
    I live in America
    I live in America
    You may not be looking for the promised land
    But you might find it anyway
    Under one of those old familiar names, like
    New Orleans
    Detroit City
    Pittsburgh, P.A.
    New Orleans ! :bc:

  6. 2 hours ago, Anler said:

    Its good to be positive but the data shows otherwise. Id listen to Goldman before I would Trump. The losses are piling on and those just arent going to disappear in the fall. Just about every analyst is predicting a crash later this year. 


    I'm with Goldmine :bc:

    Goldman is recommending that clients shift money to stocks that are better suited to weather an economic downturn.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Anler said:

    You have not been paying attention then. There is massive blood draining from many of those companies. Goldman Sachs issued an October warning and anyone who knows anything about math knows the reality. 


    One of the things I agree with Trump on is that the economy is going to rebound as we get back to the new normal.

    People who are laid off are getting there UI plus $600.00 a week from the G, which for a lot of people is more than they make working. 

    There has been ample opportunity in the market and it will continue, the rich get richer and we know that most of the market plays to the 5%

  8. 11 hours ago, f7ben said:

    For this bullshit fake ass market to hit all time highs while 30 million are on UE and GDP is destroyed and companies won’t even issue guidance because there are no earnings to report :lol:

    It will be the perfect representation of every single thing I’ve been saying since Sept


    10 hours ago, Anler said:

    30 mil unemployment claims, record bankruptcies lining up, lots of companies at a stand still and stocks are pumping.... Makes total sense. 

    Most companies that are on the DJIA are either essential and or have the capability to work at home effectively.

    6 hours ago, Polaris 550 said:

    I was down about 22% at the recent tanking. Right now I'm down about 10% from my all-time high. 

    I'm gonna' watch the market for a bit, and at the very least liquidate a fair amount before too long. I have way too much of my money in stocks, for my age. I have 95% of my money in the stock market, 5 % in my checking. I'm too old, and the country is way too volatile for me. It won't get any better. I hate everything. I hate politics, I hate the candidates, I hate Corona, I hate the fukkin weather we've had, I hate all the re-cycling I've got to do, I hate that I have to pick trash on my property, I miss going for pizza, I hate 800 Dragon, 1jkw, The One, Awful Knawful, and the NH FUDGEPACKERS SNOWMOBILE CLUB, and I hate that I'm out of Coke. :whatever2:

    Is that cocksucker 800 Dragon #1 on your hate list?


    21 hours ago, $poorsledder$ said:

    Where I am the masks, wash your hands, reduced workforce, the cleanings all seem to be working. I think there are a total of 22 confirmed cases in different areas, I would say they got it outside of work. 

    Company just said they are giving the idiots that have been coming into work $500 untaxed, that’s the first “bonus” or “hazard payment” I’ve ever received from this place so I’m happy.  I’m looking for a newer sled and this will help.

    Same here, in the field everyone has been wearing a mask since the shelter in place order, we just recently got face shields for the field, in the office we all wear a mask when out in the open area, and we re doing all the hand washing, we also gave everyone hand sanitizer to have at there desk, and we have the office cleaned every night.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Highmark said:

    As I've stated before it might have to be the NG but hopefully it won't get to that.   

    I don't believe the act Trump evoked mandates full production.   Not sure on what it does say.

    Hopefully the company can do as much as possible to help the safety of the workers but if you knew anything about the food processing industry you would understand its likely they are spreading it at home more so than at the plant. 


    Home, plant, it all speads when people are in close proximity, I just won't be surprised if there's worker shortage. Two things can prevent that, proper PPE and hazard pay.

  11. 2 hours ago, Snake said:

    I would be willing to bet keeping people off the road saved more lives that this has cost.

    Now that's an interesting thought, do some research and post up some factual numbers for us.

    2 hours ago, $poorsledder$ said:

    Start of every day at work for me. 


    I'm thinking these meat packing plants are going to have get there folks some serious PPE like you have to keep people working, what are those outfits made out of?

  12. 11 hours ago, Mikeadoo said:

    If Team Biden has the cure then they should just reveal it now.....cause Biden probably won't remember what it is next week.

    If I'm Biden, I just watch and observe while Trump creates commercials on an almost daily basis for the democrats.

    2 hours ago, Highmark said:

    At a .005% rate.   That many die from other causes.   Seek help dude.

    We know the rate of infection at the Smithfield SD was over 10%, what happens when the workers are to sick or scared to show up, who is going to replace the mainly immigrant workforce?

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