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Posts posted by Superair

  1. You seem to have it under control but if you have decent insurance and can get a referral id recommend a stress test to go with your EKG/bloodwork. That all showed bad signs for me because I was having a heart attack. One of my coworkers (who is ironically my age) was having actual chest pain at night. Went to ER twice. Bloodwork EKG both fine. He hounded his primary physician on my advice to get him a referral for a cardiologist and they finally gave him one. He saw heart doctor and they scheduled a stress test. This was 6 weeks after his initial ER visit. He felt fine that day. Went to stress test and had emergency surgery to have 3 stents put in the same day. He was on his way to the big one. Blockages don't show up on tests unless they are causing other issues.

    Then again, it could just be a pinched nerve. I will share something I never thought of until a nurse mentioned it to me while I was in the hospital.

    If you have back and nerve pain that lingers, or dulls out after taking some ibuprofen or something, or is nagging, its probably exactly something like that.

    If you feel fine, then all of a sudden the pain and numbness starts, then mysteriously just goes away a few minutes later and you feel ok, thats a sure fire sign you're heading for trouble and you need to see someone ASAP. Wish I knew that when it happened to me lol. Best of luck and take care of yourself I hope it turns out to be nothing. Getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative !

    Sorry 'bout the thread jack 

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  2. On 1/10/2021 at 1:31 PM, Bontz said:

    Yeah, I sold my sled this past week.  I'm clearly getting old ... been fighting some arm/nerve issues (might be a disc problem, but I haven't gone in for a scan yet).  I'm trying the chiropractor to see if he can help provide some relief, and if that doesn't work I'm gonna have to suck it up and go get the scan done.  Figured I may as well try and sell the sled while the market is so strong, and if it sells - great .... if not - no big deal as I'll have a new sled to ride.  Well, it sold.  You guys will be thanking me soon .. I'm sure the snow will start coming any week now!! LOL

    I went thru that a couple years ago. Arm/ nerve issues, went to PT, etc and it seemed to go away. It came back this summer(exact same symptoms). Only this time it was a heart attack. I turned 50 a month ago, slightly high cholesterol other than that I'm healthy.  Not saying you have the same problem, just that you should make sure you know what you're dealing with. I thought I did but I didn't. You should go get checked out. I Left work and drove myself to the hospital after having shoulder and back pain come and go for a week. Couple more days and I wouldn't be here typing this. I beat the widow maker. Food for thought. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, ActionfigureJoe said:

    It’s really a non issue. The internet is large enough for other platforms to begin and grow. These are private companies and should be able to set their own rules. If you get banned, go somewhere else. There’s Parler now. Although they’ve been banning some “leftist” stuff. But that’s their right as company owners. The biggest issue with social media is the effect it’s having on kids. No one is saying shit about that. 

    Excellent point

  4. 11 minutes ago, Jimmy Snacks said:

    I never said it was cool but telling someone to worship the flag or leave the country is just mouth breathing ignorance.

    I said "respect" not worship. The flag is a symbol of our country. If someone doesn't like this country, they're free to find someplace nicer to live. Or do something productive to change it instead of being a whiney bitch on national TV. Its a direct insult to men and women who gave their life for it. 

    Word it however you want we are free to disagree with each other. Have a nice evening

  5. 2018 800 SKS 146. 

    I know there have been some jackshaft bearing and chaincase bearing failures on these Axys sleds. I had one on my 18 SKS. i'll try to keep it short

    At 500 miles I changed the oil and checked the chain, pulled cover bolts to drain and flush but never pulled cover. Chain felt properly adjusted at that time. At 800 miles I checked chain again and it was loose, which honestly I found a little odd, So I adjusted it. 400 miles later the drive axle bearing failed in the case. Sled was under warranty so i dumped it at dealer and they fixed it for me. Rode it 500 miles and changed oil, checked chain all is good . Then rode it another 500 and it seemed to be vibrating a bit so I assumed the bearing was on its way out again. Pulled it all apart and checked all the bearings. All smooth and tight. greased left side drive axle bearing and jackshaft bearing and reassembled chaincase sans cover. I adjusted the chain then proceeded to check a few other things and noticed when I was rotating the track by hand that the chain tension changed. I have a super loose spot. I think just before the bearing failed I checked the chain and it was in the loose spot and when I tightened it up the "tight spot"  probably caused the bearing to fail prematurely. i did that with the cover on and didn't suspect any issues at that time.

    So anyway, If I adjust the chain to the proper tension in one spot I can play a tune on it after I rotate it to another spot. I have no vibration in the brakes and both shafts turn smooth without binding when I had the track out. I haven't put a dial indicator on anything yet and I have a chain on order. Anyone had any issues with this or even noticed anything like this? I'm wondering if its possibly gear out of round if it isn't  a shaft that's tweaked. I wasn't surprised to see a slight tight spot in the chain its not that uncommon, but this is pretty extreme. If i adjust to proper tension in tight spot I have a ton of slack in chain (like it almost hits the case it has so much deflection) as I move it around the clock to other spots. Im wondering if some of the other guys noting loose chains from dealer may have the same issue. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Jimmy Snacks said:

    This country was founded on dissent so take your flag worship and cram it up your ass.

    Yep and you are welcome to your opinion. IMO, if you are someone who thinks disrespecting the flag is cool, you're free to go eat a bag if dicks.  That includes you

  7. I don't respect anyone who kneels for or disrespects our flag for any reason. That flag symbolizes freedom and equality and plenty of people have died for those causes, Including my friends and relatives. Just because people are free to do it doesn't mean they should. Show some fucking respect. That very flag is the reason you don't get arrested for doing that shit. 

    If you don't agree with what it stands for thats fine. Pack your shit and get the fuck out of this country. Period. 

    Its not the flag holding people down, its their attitude and their drive to succeed. 

    There are 7000+ employees where I work. They play the national anthem at 8am everyday. If you are outside, you damn well better stop what you're doing, take off your hat and face the nearest flag or someone is going to say something and they aren't going to be nice about it. If you're driving a vehicle you best stop in the middle of the road until the anthem is over, or you're going to hear about it. I'd love to see someone take a knee, that would be epic entertainment. 


  8. 158 mph on a motorcycle- on the street. Dumb

    Had the speedo on my 98 SRX700 buried @ 120 for a couple miles> Based on RPM and gearing I'd guess I was running around 113-114 true speed.

    Don't recall in a car IIRC it was around 120. Cars aren't my thing, especially when someone else is driving


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  9. 8 minutes ago, Bontz said:

    Agree 100% with ya on that ... especially the term limits.  The only problem is, term limits will only happen if it's put on some sort of national referendum since we all know those corrupt pieces of shit would never willingly vote to impose them and cut off their livelihood. 

    Agreed but how mint would it be if you could somehow convince the whole country to vote against the incumbent s over the next few years. How bad could it be the newbies couldnt screw it up any worse than the assholes we have now. You can't be a career politician without turning into a snake. Greed is human nature

  10. 2 hours ago, Jerry 976 said:

    Both sides need to be afraid, people have had enough of our crooked government bullshit.

    It's once again time to dump the tea in the river. It's been 250 years since we stood up for ourselves, Long overdue IMO. 

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  11. Trump is a condescending egomaniac fucktard. But anyone who can't see that he was trying to get this country on a better path is just as fucked up as he is. He was doomed from day 1 because he couldn't keep his shit off social media. I voted for him. Twice. He took shit from no one and was better for this country than Obama ever was. He failed because the media wanted him to fail. Biden is a moron. If he's the democrats answer to Trump, well, .....good luck with that. He's going to be a puppet and he's going to be controlled by a pile of politicians who don't think you should be able to think for yourself . 

    • Like 2
  12. IMO, which I know no one really gives a fuck about (and Im cool with that), Is that if you are going to have subforms at all there should be some sort of moderation. If not, you may as well just have one shitshow free for all forum where all the threads end the same. 

    I'd say keep it light on the rules and "maybe" people will learn to respect them on their own. I'm all for giving someone shit and I'm fairly hard to offend, but I can do that all day at work so theres no need for me to visit a forum thats chock full of that in every thread. I love snowmobiling so I come to these sites for sled talk and some friendly back and forth banter. If you don't like me or what I post feel feel to insult me, call me  faggot or tell me to go kill myself but once you get it out of your system please don't follow me around on here fucking up every thread I post in. Thats just annoying. 

    Or leave it the way it is and when it doesn't grow don't ask yourself why. If thats what the old school guys here want who am I to bitch otherwise. I'll probably stick around anyway.  Its kind of funny after being around sled sites for awhile you end up with all the same guys constantly stirring up shit with each other knowing damn well that if they ever went riding together for a weekend they'd probably end up falling in love with each other . 


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