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  1. Past hour
  2. Is there anyone left at AC to fire, or will they be spared, despite TSV being one of the losers? https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/textron-cut-1500-jobs-program-cancellations-weak-demand-hit-results-2024-04-25/
  3. I guess that didn't make Prime Time MSM......... That dude was great and hopefully represents the majority of America ! MAGA 24 !
  4. This witch trial tour has really worked out for the Dems. I think Trump is in the lead in 6 of the 7 swing states.
  5. I am shocked the Democrats have not driven Biden through Daily Square in a convertible yet.
  6. Clearly every person on the grand jury's are DEMS. Tremendous work! Tremendous work JOE!
  7. Prosecution moves onto questions about Stormy Daniels
  8. Fake electors in 5 states. Lock em up!
  9. No, Ray is at Area 51 learning how to utilize the alien technology for switching votes in the machines. Pretty high tech stuff.
  10. You're too stupid to see a kangaroo court and weaponization of government. You're too stupid to see through the covid sham. You don't stand a chance.
  11. Today
  12. Pecker back on the stand... I gotta catch up
  13. George and Ray have got it covered. No mules this time.
  14. the boys down at the Masonic Lodge have been getting a real kick out of the posts I've been showing them on the power point.
  15. There was no stealing last time. If there was Trump is the biggest idiot of all time. Would be super easy to prove.
  16. Time we withdraw from NATO. We can just sell them arms at premium rates to pay down our debt
  17. Lots o watchers will be on board this time around . Stealing the election will be much harder this time. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/19/trump-rnc-poll-watchers-volunteers/73385319007/
  18. I feel the only reason this made a headline was to use "enslaved workers" in the story. White people bad, George Washington, evil. Cherries good.
  19. I keep old car/sled/toy antifreeze for that purpose. Works wonders at preventing any sort of smell.
  20. In production of children's sleds perhaps
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