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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. The only reason they went after him is cause he humiliated George P Bush in the primary. Uniparty failed.
  2. Why would you admit you were wrong. Don't worry I'm here to remind you.
  3. Have a listen to what Dr David Martin had to say in front of the EU a few days ago. He's not mincing words. https://x.com/Jo_Bond/status/1702717102787027098?s=20
  4. That's not true, it was tested on 8 mice. When health canada was asked for the data supporting their decision to authorize the booster, they responded ask Pfizer and Moderna.
  5. Most are waking up to the fraud that occurred. Keep up with the stupid. It serves you well. You live in a banana Republic.
  6. Dem far left policies are being rejected by the masses and it will only continue. Only psychos will support them, this is beyond Trump.
  7. Sure it is. Trump up 6% over 81 million in the battleground states. Looking like a blowout. It's only gonna get worse.
  8. All the msm suddenly all together at once. It's no coincidence, they want Biden gone. He won't be the nominee in 2024. 81 million.
  9. Sure dude, j6 was a fedsurrection. Stay clueless.
  10. Yah but that tech doesn't work for 2000 mules apparently.
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