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Everything posted by 1trailmaker

  1. CPC LYING MACHINE loves them edited clips. Never show the entire clip 2 hrs of Trudeau answering questions and this is it for CPC
  2. KAT LIES FOR PP DAILY she is paid by CPC Freeland did not ask her for help influencing people although CPC voters are swayed by a simple MEME often
  3. Remember when CPC called leakers HEROES but today they are not heroes
  4. CPC paid for CONVOY and not they are paying them to be fooled about carbon taxes I really hate paid protesters
  5. Funny how we have TOP RATING for finances AAA+++ PP says we are spending too much making inflation and interest rates go up but none is true NONE OF IT
  6. Bank of Canada does not mention government spending they use PEOPLE SPENDING which is hot as the economy is hot and needs to be cooled. NOTHING TO DO WITH SPENDING. Here lying Scheer states spending is keep them high lie lie and lie When rates drop this spring what lie will CPC say then
  7. How come PP isn't talking about the fake COLLIATION with NDP seems his lie is right in front of him PP is one douche bag
  8. PP flapping his wings today but having no plan and meeting to say "we don't like carbon tax" is not a meeting that will ever happen. Don't waste our time
  9. The federal Liberals are narrowing the months-old gap with the Conservative party, with a former 20-percentage point Conservative ballot advantage shrinking to a 12-point lead, according to latest tracking data from Nanos Research. The Conservatives under Pierre Poilievre have maintained a safe lead over the Liberals since September, reaching a nearly 20-percentage point gap a month ago, with 42.8 per cent support compared to the Liberals' 23.8 per cent. But new Nanos ballot tracking shows the Conservatives are now closer to 38 per cent, compared to the Liberals at 26 per cent. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trudeau-liberals-narrowing-polling-gap-poilievre-conservatives-lead-declines-to-12-points-nanos-1.6831453
  10. aLL an ignorant voter needs is a good slogan and PP has nothing but slogans Spike the Hike Axe the Tax lying is buying
  11. great leadership as being on TV will really help the people NATIONAL POST IS A DISGRACE cpc PAID MEDIA NOW What high inflation is he speaking of
  12. PP dropped 5 points in the polls Demanding a meeting on TV seems stupid, childish, worthless, dumb, common sense for fools I assume you are all for this
  13. This is where CaNADA is heading so sad PP ride us to the bottom
  14. I just checked and viewership is up over 780k
  15. allot of lies about bringing down interest rates, claims of food prices coming down just remove carbon tax I have nothing to offer other than this tax you receive money back from. a lot of disappointment coming but that too will be Trudeau's fault
  16. KEEP THE HATE Demanded by Teachers Real reason school boards removed all chance of any Parent suing the Board due to their child looking at the sun. Angry Parents are hard to deal with and this cured all their problems. CPC voting Parents seem to be very angry
  17. CPC news media is spewing more hate for Police Does this guy actually ever report any real news? nope just bullshit for PP
  18. PP pretty much praises Israel for the killing of a Canadian delivering food. His silence is disturbing He is hoping for the JEW vote and really doesn't care how he gets it
  19. Rosie talking points so housing is PROVINCIAL hmmmmm
  20. REBEL JOKE of a news all the guy does is look for the video clip of hate for everything and anything Politely asked to move on but instead pushes back on the cop
  21. this is who CPC voters are looking too for their info $200 a month 187$ on hydro I really think this might be ToSlow
  22. Terrible speaker never mind his lame slogans being repeated over and over, he has very little skill for actual leadership speaking That isn't the end when you can't speak well
  23. PP will bring the success of Alberta's record deaths to Canada
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