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  1. Past hour
  2. Amazon cloud unit kills Snowmobile data transfer truck eight years after driving 18-wheeler onstage https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/17/aws-stops-selling-snowmobile-truck-for-cloud-migrations.html for a moment there I was like... snowmobile whuuut???
  3. can someone please explain to racer what a commodity is?
  4. that was no gas station in PA. I saw no one in that 2 minutes of India descent.
  5. Today
  6. Poor plugs.. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/biden-must-stop-inflation-denial-quit-doing-dumb-things
  7. No one is going to prison. You belong in a mental institution
  8. Yes gas was cheaper under trump. Everything was cheaper under trump. tell me what hurt your feelings the most? I wanna hear. What did he do that hurt so badly.
  9. Plagiaristic lying grifting fuck that most hope he disappears completely. 6ft under
  10. Bullshit, just the keystoneXL speculation caused the price to go down....BUT IT'S A GLOBAL MARKET. God that is just such a bullshit narrative.
  11. All I know is my shit hole cost less than a condo in the Minneapolis metro. School district 196 is out of control and millennials are building 700k faster than a boomer can retire to have their kids go there
  12. 78% of EV owners also have a gas-powered vehicle in their household While 78% of EV owner households also have a second gas-powered vehicle, the number of overall households with two or more cars has increased substantially, to 58% in 2017 from 22% in 1960. So while nearly 6 in 10 households have access to a second vehicle, nearly 8 in 10 early-adopting buyers of EVs have at least one or more other vehicles.
  13. Instead you own a shit hole property in CA and a shit hole timeshare in FL
  14. Not sure on the 7. 6.175% without paying points this week.
  15. Hate? Not at all. Laugh at the sheer stupidity she displays? Absolutely. It is embarrassing for America though that she is an elected official.
  16. Lloyd is going to get stung....repeatedly
  17. Wrong. Gas was not cheaper "under" Trump. He did nothing to make it the price it was. Great news for you, the goat fucker.
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